Displaying 1 - 21 out of 21 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Viola stipularis Sw. A. Duss 2425 06 Mar 1905 Guadeloupe Soufriere 01444391 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. H. Stehlé 134 21 Jan 1935 Guadeloupe Basse-Terre Plateau Soufrierè. 1444392 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. N. L. Britton 520 23 Sep 1901 Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts. Mt. Misery -… 1444393 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. N. L. Britton 520 23 Sep 1901 Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts. Mt. Misery -… 1444394 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. A. Duss 2959 08 Mar 1905 Guadeloupe Sommes des hautes montagnes -… 1444395 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. A. Duss 1778 18 Feb 1905 - 13 Mar 1905 Martinique Montagne Pelee, Morne de la… 1444396 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. F. E. Egler 39-100 15 Jul 1939 Martinique Near the summit of Mt.… 1444397 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. R. A. Howard 18630 Mar 1978 Guadeloupe Soufrière. 1444401 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. W. A. Haber 10262 20 Dec 1990 Costa Rica Puntarenas Reserva Biologica Monteverde. Area around… 02609852 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. L. S. Holguer 829 19 Mar 1969 Ecuador Pastaza Colonia Alvares Mino, 6km from… 02608342 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. R. Callejas Posada 3832 08 Jun 1987 Colombia Antioquia Jardín Mun. Vía Jardín-Riosucio, 13… 02712945 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. D. Cárdenas-López 45787 9 Mar 2016 Colombia Caquetá Belén de los Andaquies Mun.… 01392609 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. R. Callejas Posada 6304 07 Apr 1988 Colombia Antioquia Sonsón Mun. Vía Sonsón-Nariño, 13.3… 1551418
Viola stipularis Sw. W. H. Hodge 432 15 Aug 1938 Dominica Morne Trois Pitons, upper slopes. 1444400 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. A. C. Smith 10534 11 Apr 1956 Saint Kitts and Nevis Nevis: Nevis Peak, summit and… 1444399 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. P. Pedraza-Peñalosa 2095 31 Ene - 2 Feb 2011 Colombia Antioquia Frontino Mun. Parque Nacional Natural… 1583232 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. P. Pedraza-Peñalosa 2095 31 Ene - 2 Feb 2011 Colombia Antioquia Frontino Mun. Parque Nacional Natural… 1583202
Viola stipularis Sw. J. Jeremie 48 01 Aug 1973 Guadeloupe Massif de la Soufrière, les… 1444402 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. L. Martinez 1231 01 Feb 2013 Panama Chiriqui Reserva Forestal Fortuna 02714035 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. W. C. Fishlock s.n. 29 Mar 1905 Dominica Roseau 1444398 Viola stipularis Sw.
Viola stipularis Sw. 04034822 Viola stipularis Sw.