Displaying 1 - 14 out of 14 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Trichostema lineare Nutt. E. Tatnall s.n. s.d. United States of America New Jersey Willow Grove 3136260 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. W. M. Canby s.n. 22 Sep 1888 United States of America Tennessee Wooded foothills of Smoky Mountains… 3136261 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. W. M. Canby s.n. Jul 1872 United States of America Delaware Hillside oppposite Riddle's Factory, near… 3136262 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. W. M. Canby s.n. Aug 1876 United States of America Georgia DeKalb Co. Stone Mt. 3136268 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. W. M. Canby s.n. Sep 1872 United States of America Maryland Wicomico Co. Salisbury 3136266 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. W. M. Canby s.n. Aug 1874 United States of America Delaware Sussex Co. Seaford 3136267 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. T. C. Porter 7584 United States of America New Jersey Barrens 03136256 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. B. H. Long 15144 29 Sep 1916 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. West along P.R.R. 3136263 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. 3136257 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. 3136258 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. 3136259 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. 3136264 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. 3136265 Trichostema lineare Nutt.
Trichostema lineare Nutt. 3136269 Trichostema lineare Nutt.