Displaying 176 - 180 out of 180 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray B. L. Decker s.n. s.d. United States of America Utah Utah Co. West of Utah… 2922747 Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray
Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray J. H. Christ 3093 s.d. United States of America Idaho Minidoka Co. [No specific locality… 2922831 Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray
Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray J. H. Christ 3090 s.d. United States of America Idaho Owyhee Co. Murphy-Silver City, in… 2922851 Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray
Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray J. H. Christ 3089 s.d. United States of America Idaho Elmore Co. In sagebrush near… 2922852 Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray
Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray J. H. Christ 3091 s.d. United States of America Idaho Lemhi Co. Gilmore. 2922853 Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray