Displaying 1 - 75 out of 15023 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Thelypteris simulata (Davenp.) Nieuwl. A. A. Eaton 593 15 Sep 1896 United States of America New Hampshire Seabrook 3796234 Thelypteris simulata (Davenp.) Nieuwl.
Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor A. A. Eaton 779 Nov 1903 - Dec 1903 United States of America Florida Waterworks at Alapatlah 3796193 Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor
Thelypteris simulata (Davenp.) Nieuwl. A. A. Eaton s.n. Sep 1895 United States of America New Hampshire Rockingham Co. 3796211 Thelypteris simulata (Davenp.) Nieuwl.
Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor A. A. Heller 129 13 Jan 1899 Puerto Rico Near Río Piedras. 877074 Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor
Thelypteris guadalupensis (Wikstr.) Proctor A. A. Heller 354 27 Jan 1899 Puerto Rico Arecibo 876931 Thelypteris guadalupensis (Wikstr.) Proctor
Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor A. A. Heller 527 08 Feb 1899 Puerto Rico Between Aibonito and Cayey. 877065 Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor
Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor A. A. Heller 527 08 Feb 1899 Puerto Rico Between Aibonito and Cayey. 877066 Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor
Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor A. A. Heller 612 24 Feb 1899 Puerto Rico Near Santurce. 877088 Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor
Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small A. A. Heller 613 24 Feb 1899 Puerto Rico Near Santurce. 877229 Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small
Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching A. A. Heller 676 02 Mar 1899 Puerto Rico 14 m S of San… 876988 Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
Thelypteris patens (Sw.) Small var. patens A. A. Heller 927 24 Mar 1899 Puerto Rico Caguas Caguas. 877109 Thelypteris patens (Sw.) Small var. patens
Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching A. A. Heller 1033 12 Apr 1899 Puerto Rico La Perla Estate, Luquillo mountains 877146 Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching A. A. Heller 1033 12 Apr 1899 Puerto Rico Hacienda Perla N side Luquillo… 876978 Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor A. A. Heller 1034 12 Apr 1899 Puerto Rico La Perla Estate, Luquillo mountains 877027 Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor
Thelypteris angustifolia (Willd.) Proctor A. A. Heller 1398 27 May 1899 Puerto Rico 9 miles N. of Caguas. 877132 Thelypteris angustifolia (Willd.) Proctor
Thelypteris ovata R.P.St.John A. A. Heller 1835 09 Jun 1894 United States of America Texas Bexar Co. Collected at San… 3795423 Thelypteris ovata R.P.St.John
Thelypteris cyatheoides A. A. Heller 1991 23 Mar 1895 United States of America Hawaii Honolulu Co. In Nuuanu. 4036985 Thelypteris cyatheoides
Thelypteris cyatheoides A. A. Heller 1996 23 Mar 1895 United States of America Hawaii Honolulu Co. In Nuuanu. 4036971 Thelypteris cyatheoides
Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John A. A. Heller 2011 26 Mar 1895 United States of America Hawaii Honolulu Co. In Pauoa. 4037038 Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John A. A. Heller 2011 26 Mar 1895 United States of America Hawaii Honolulu Co. In Pauoa. 4037029 Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats. A. A. Heller 2594 14 Aug 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. Along the Hanapepe… 4037087 Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats. A. A. Heller 2594 19 Jul 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. Along the Hanapepe… 4037089 Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats. A. A. Heller 2594 19 Jul 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. Along the Hanapepe… 4037092 Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris sandwicensis (Hook. & Arn.) Fosberg A. A. Heller 2839 24 Sep 1895 - 30 Sep 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. On Kaholuamanoa, above… 4037175 Thelypteris sandwicensis (Hook. & Arn.) Fosberg
Thelypteris sandwicensis (Hook. & Arn.) Fosberg A. A. Heller 2839 24 Sep 1895 - 30 Sep 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. On Kaholuamanoa, above… 4037167 Thelypteris sandwicensis (Hook. & Arn.) Fosberg
Thelypteris hudsoniana C.F.Reed A. A. Heller 2843 01 Oct 1895 - 08 Oct 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. On Kaholuamanoa, above… 4036359 Thelypteris hudsoniana C.F.Reed
Thelypteris hudsoniana C.F.Reed A. A. Heller 2843 01 Oct 1895 - 08 Oct 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. On Kaholuamanoa, above… 4036371 Thelypteris hudsoniana C.F.Reed
Thelypteris hudsoniana C.F.Reed A. A. Heller 2843 24 Sep 1895 - 30 Sep 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. On Kaholuamanoa, above… 4036355 Thelypteris hudsoniana C.F.Reed
Thelypteris cyatheoides A. A. Heller 2857 01 Oct 1895 - 08 Oct 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. On Kaholuamanoa, above… 4036996 Thelypteris cyatheoides
Thelypteris cyatheoides A. A. Heller 2857 01 Oct 1895 - 08 Oct 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. On Kaholuamanoa, above… 4036995 Thelypteris cyatheoides
Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor A. A. Heller 4382 23 Jan 1900 Puerto Rico Collected two miles Northeast of… 877073 Thelypteris hispidula var. inconstans (C.Chr.) Proctor
Thelypteris rheophyta Proctor A. A. Heller 4614 18 Feb 1900 Puerto Rico Eastern slope of the Luquillo… 1128687 Thelypteris rheophyta Proctor
Thelypteris rheophyta Proctor A. A. Heller 4614 18 Feb 1900 Puerto Rico Eastern slope of the Luquillo… 1128686 Thelypteris rheophyta Proctor
Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor A. A. Heller 4621 18 Feb 1900 Puerto Rico On the Eastern Slope of… 876967 Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor A. A. Heller 4621 18 Feb 1900 Puerto Rico On eastern slope of the… 876998 Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching A. A. Heller 6137 27 Nov 1902 Puerto Rico On Adjuntas road eight miles… 876984 Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor A. A. Heller 6178 02 Dec 1902 Puerto Rico On the Adjuntas road seven… 877085 Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor
Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small A. A. Heller 6335 25 Dec 1902 Puerto Rico On the Adjuntas road seven… 877228 Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small
Thelypteris patens (Sw.) Small var. patens A. A. Heller 518a 08 Feb 1899 Puerto Rico Between Aibonito and Cayey. 877108 Thelypteris patens (Sw.) Small var. patens
Thelypteris keraudreniana (Gaudich.) Holttum A. A. Heller a. 19 Oct 1895 United States of America Hawaii Kauai Co. In and near… 4037104 Thelypteris keraudreniana (Gaudich.) Holttum
Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor A. A. Taylor 6 25 Jun 1901 - 20 Jul 1901 Cuba Isla de la Juventud At top of Sierra de… 1906566 Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor
Thelypteris obliterata (Sw.) Proctor A. A. Taylor 11 25 Jun 1901 - 10 Jul 1901 Cuba Isla de la Juventud At top of Sierra de… 1905699 Thelypteris obliterata (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor A. A. Taylor 3873 25 Jun 1901 - 10 Jul 1901 Cuba Isla de la Juventud At top of Sierra de… 1904940 Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris noveboracensis (L.) Nieuwl. A. A. Tyler s.n. 27 Aug 1896 United States of America Pennsylvania Northampton Co. 3795260 Thelypteris noveboracensis (L.) Nieuwl.
Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott A. A. Tyler s.n. 13 Aug 1896 United States of America Pennsylvania Northampton Co. 3795592 Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott
Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor A. Allart 176 Nov 1924 Venezuela Miranda Las Mostazas on railroad beyond… 04032979 Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor
Thelypteris grandis var. pallescens (C.Chr.) A.R.Sm. A. Allart 207 Nov 1924 Venezuela Miranda Las Mostazas on railroad beyond… 4032030 Thelypteris grandis var. pallescens (C.Chr.) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris pilosula (Klotzsch & H.Karst. ex Mett.) R.M.Tryon A. Allart 461 Dec 1924 Venezuela Colonia Tovar 4032963 Thelypteris pilosula (Klotzsch & H.Karst. ex Mett.) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris A. B. Anderson 1198 08 Oct 1984 Brazil Pará Barcarena Mun. Property of Dona… 2596408 Thelypteris
Thelypteris A. B. Anderson 1198 08 Oct 1984 Brazil Pará Barcarena Mun. Property of Dona… 02596407 Thelypteris
Thelypteris rudis (Kunze) Proctor A. B. Ghiesbreght 254 1864 - 1870 Mexico Chiapas 4026065 Thelypteris rudis (Kunze) Proctor
Thelypteris normalis (C.Chr.) Moxley A. B. Langlois s.n. 25 Jun 1881 United States of America Louisiana Saint Martin Parish. Sberville Co. 3794990 Thelypteris normalis (C.Chr.) Moxley
Thelypteris quadrangularis var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) A.R.Sm. A. B. Langlois s.n. 20 Oct 1890 United States of America Louisiana Labbe's Wood near St. Martinsville 3796081 Thelypteris quadrangularis var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris quadrangularis var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) A.R.Sm. A. B. Langlois s.n. Oct 1882 United States of America Louisiana East Baton Rouge Parish. 3796083 Thelypteris quadrangularis var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris quadrangularis var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) A.R.Sm. A. B. Langlois s.n. Sep 1882 United States of America Louisiana Plaquemines Parish. 3796084 Thelypteris quadrangularis var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris hispidula var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) Lellinger A. B. Pittman 08230005 23 Aug 2000 United States of America South Carolina Calhoun Co. Cave Hall. Marl… 3794699 Thelypteris hispidula var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) Lellinger
Thelypteris hispidula var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) Lellinger A. B. Pittman 10110003 11 Oct 2000 United States of America South Carolina Dorchester Co. Bacon Bridge (SC… 3794697 Thelypteris hispidula var. versicolor (R.P.St.John) Lellinger
Thelypteris phegopteris (L.) Sloss. A. B. Rich s.n. 29 Jul 1887 United States of America New Hampshire Mt. Washington 3795877 Thelypteris phegopteris (L.) Sloss.
Thelypteris salzmannii (Fée) C.V.Morton A. B. Sampaio 319 21 Jan 1999 Brazil Distrito Federal Brasília. Cerrados a nordeste da… 920389 Thelypteris salzmannii (Fée) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott A. B. Seymour s.n. 24 Aug 1918 United States of America New Hampshire Cheshire Co. 3795461 Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott
Thelypteris consimilis (Fée ex Baker) Proctor A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1904825 Thelypteris consimilis (Fée ex Baker) Proctor
Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1904962 Thelypteris deltoidea (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris invisa (Sw.) Proctor A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1905401 Thelypteris invisa (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 01905466 Thelypteris balbisii (Spreng.) Ching
Thelypteris normalis (C.Chr.) Moxley A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1905615 Thelypteris normalis (C.Chr.) Moxley
Thelypteris obliterata (Sw.) Proctor A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1905713 Thelypteris obliterata (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris reptans (J.F.Gmel.) C.V.Morton A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1906402 Thelypteris reptans (J.F.Gmel.) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris reptans (J.F.Gmel.) C.V.Morton A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1906403 Thelypteris reptans (J.F.Gmel.) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris rudis (Kunze) Proctor A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1906756 Thelypteris rudis (Kunze) Proctor
Thelypteris sancta (L.) Ching A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1907009 Thelypteris sancta (L.) Ching
Thelypteris serrulata (Sw.) Proctor A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and vicinity (no !) 1907348 Thelypteris serrulata (Sw.) Proctor
Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1907466 Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small
Thelypteris venusta var. usitata (Jenman) Proctor A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 2004140 Thelypteris venusta var. usitata (Jenman) Proctor
Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching A. Brown 8243 07 Jul 1979 Argentina Salta Anta (Dept.). Parque Nacional El… 4031653 Thelypteris concinna (Willd.) Ching
Thelypteris hexagonoptera (Michx.) Weath. A. Brown s.n. 16 Aug 1896 United States of America Connecticut Norfolk 03794325 Thelypteris hexagonoptera (Michx.) Weath.