Displaying 76 - 100 out of 106 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom N. H. Holmgren 12149 2 September 1994 United States of America Nevada Eureka Co. Antelope Valley, U.S.,… 1849731 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom N. H. Holmgren 14557 21 Aug 2001 United States of America Nevada Nye Co. White River Valley,… 694902 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom N. Otting 976 23 Sep 2004 United States of America Oregon Malheur Co. Owyhee Uplands, Dry… 1849714 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom P. B. Kennedy 1716 1907-10 United States of America Nevada Churchill Co. Carson Sink Region 1849661 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom P. B. Kennedy 1716 Oct 1907 United States of America Nevada Carson Sink Region 1849662 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom P. Train 4508 05 Aug 1940 United States of America Nevada Nye Co. Martin Ranch lower… 1849656 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom R. D. Bratz B599-36 09 Sep 1972 United States of America Idaho Owyhee Co. Reynolds Canyon, above… 1849701 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom R. D. Bratz B600-47 09 Sep 1972 United States of America Idaho Owyhee Co. SE of Hoottnanny… 1849704 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom R. F. Thorne 39281 07 Mar 1970 United States of America California Mono Co. Sprawling on springy… 1849690 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom R. J. Davis 246-35 24 Aug 1935 United States of America Idaho Bannock Co. Swampy ground at… 1849702 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom R. S. Snell s.n. 02 Oct 1937 United States of America Utah Box Elder Co. Marshes; Bear… 1849723 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom R. T. Clausen 5095 17 Aug 1940 United States of America Utah Garfield Co. Colorado Plateau. Exposed… 1849665 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom R. W. Spellenberg 7570 07 Sep 1983 United States of America New Mexico San Juan Co. about 1… 1849716 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom S. Goodrich 24722 13 Sep 1994 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. High water line… 1849734 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom S. Goodrich 27691 16 Sep 2009 United States of America Utah Uintah Co. North side of… 1849686 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom S. L. Welsh 14576 25 Sep 1976 United States of America Utah Millard Co. Garrison Reservoir. 1849670 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom S. Watson 517 Oct 1869 United States of America Utah Salt Lake Valley 1849667 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom W. A. Archer 7283 29 Sep 1938 United States of America Nevada Mineral Co. Walker River Valley,… 1849657 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom W. C. Cusick 4927 20 Sep 1918 United States of America Oregon Union Co. Near Union. 1849721 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom 1849685 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom 1849694 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom 1849698 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom 1849706 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom 1849715 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom 1849718 Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom