Displaying 1 - 25 out of 639 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson R. S. Sigafoos 49-153 16 Aug 1949 United States of America Alaska Inmachuk River at Arizona Creek 104719
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. S. Benninghoff 241B8b United States of America Alaska Kuskokwim River 104720
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. S. Cooper 252 26 Aug 1935 United States of America Alaska Prince William Sound 104722
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson E. M. Sherrard 10-15 10 Aug 1951 United States of America Alaska Alatna, south of village 104724
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson E. M. Sherrard 15-17 15 Aug 1951 United States of America Alaska Wiseman. Across river from village 104727
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. S. Cooper 252 26 Aug 1935 United States of America Alaska Prince William Sound, Hobo Bay 104718
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson T. J. Howell 1805 20 Aug 1895 United States of America Alaska 104763
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson A. McC. Harvill Jr. 616 17 Jun 1944 United States of America Alaska Near Whittier 104747
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson T. P. Bank D15b 26 May 1945 United States of America Alaska Adak Island 104748
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson E. M. Sherrard 23-12 23 Aug 1951 United States of America Alaska Carter's cabin, some 10 miles… 104725
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. B. Schofield 109433 16 Aug 1997 United States of America Alaska Deer Island, N end 543502
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A578 14 Jul 1966 United States of America Alaska Umiat and vicinity, Colville River 104691
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A575 14 Jul 1966 United States of America Alaska Umiat and vicinity, Colville River 104694
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A1130 03 Aug 1966 United States of America Alaska Halfway between Coke Creek fan… 104695
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A1210 07 Aug 1966 United States of America Alaska Meade River (Atkasuk). Post Office 104696
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A1223 08 Aug 1966 United States of America Alaska Meade River (Atkasuk). Post Office 104698
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A231 26 Jun 1966 United States of America Alaska Driftwood Camp, near headwaters of… 104699
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A583 14 Jul 1966 United States of America Alaska Umiat and vicinity, Colville River 104700
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A238 26 Jun 1966 United States of America Alaska Driftwood Camp, near headwaters of… 104701
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A688 19 Jul 1966 United States of America Alaska Noluck Lake and vicinity, Brooks… 104703
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A1091 03 Aug 1966 United States of America Alaska Terrace north of the mouth… 104704
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A641 19 Jul 1966 United States of America Alaska Noluck Lake and vicinity, Brooks… 104705
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A1076 03 Aug 1966 United States of America Alaska Terrace about halfway between Coke… 104706
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. L. S. Merrill A582 14 Jul 1966 United States of America Alaska Umiat and vicinity, Colville River 104707
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson A. R. Batten C-41B 31 Jul 1973 United States of America Alaska Mt. Michelson Quad.: Lake Schrader… 104721