Displaying 26 - 50 out of 639 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson Z. Iwatsuki 1142 26 Jul 1973 United States of America Alaska Lupine River, Brooks Range. In… 104736
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson Z. Iwatsuki 1141b 26 Jul 1973 United States of America Alaska Lupine River, Brooks Range. In… 104738
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson Z. Iwatsuki 3215 15 Aug 1974 United States of America Alaska Coke, Creek, southside of Schrader… 104741
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson Z. Iwatsuki 2787 01 Aug 1974 United States of America Alaska Anaktuvuk Pass, Endicott Mountains, Brooks… 104743
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson Z. Iwatsuki 2942 03 Aug 1974 United States of America Alaska Between village and Kollutuk Mt.,… 104746
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson J. Bee 21 Aug 1951 United States of America Alaska Chandler Lake 104749
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson H. C. Hanson 58 30 Jun 1950 United States of America Alaska 10 miles northeast of Nome,… 104750
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson H. J. Lutz 50-277 29 Aug 1950 United States of America Alaska Mile 154.5 Richardson Highway 104752
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson H. J. Lutz 50-180 22 Aug 1950 United States of America Alaska Adjacent to Mile 1318 Alaska… 104753
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson I. A. Worley 10375 11 Aug 1968 United States of America Alaska Slopes & ridge of mainland… 104754
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson I. A. Worley 8640 23 Jun 1968 United States of America Alaska Mitkof Highway, S. of Petersburg,… 104756
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson United States of America Alaska Harrison River 104761
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. B. Schofield 109438 16 Aug 1997 United States of America Alaska Deer Island, N end 543503
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. B. Schofield 108508 19 Jul 1997 United States of America Alaska St. Matthew Island: bay near… 574693
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. B. Schofield 121485 16 Jul 2003 United States of America Alaska Selawik Nature Wildflife Refuge: Unnamed… 900751
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. B. Schofield 122030 03 Aug 2003 United States of America Alaska Finger Bay in Kulak Bay,… 02792743
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson F. V. Coville 415 05 Jun 1899 United States of America Alaska Wrangell. Wrangell-Petersburg. 104757
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson F. V. Coville 415 05 Jun 1899 United States of America Alaska Wrangell. Wrangell-Petersburg. 104755
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. A. Weber 10314 29 Jul 1956 United States of America Alaska Southwest shore of Wonder Lake;… 104717
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson H. A. Crum 20147 09 Jul 1953 United States of America Alaska Mead River Post office (Coal… 104697
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson W. A. Weber 29 Jul 1956 United States of America Alaska Mt. McKinley Nat. Park, am… 104758
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson H. T. Croasdale 10-16 10 Aug 1951 United States of America Alaska Alatna, area south of village 104726
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson S. S. Talbot LL11-2 31 Aug 1983 United States of America Alaska Yukon Delta NWR 104708
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson S. S. Talbot C6-1 05 Aug 1983 United States of America Alaska Arctic NWR 104709
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson S. S. Talbot A1-18 04 Sep 1985 United States of America Alaska Innoko National Wildlife Refuge 104710