Displaying 1 - 50 out of 50 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. V. A. Plata Garcia 11 07 Mar 1946 Argentina Buenos Aires Junin (FCP). 2770085 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. J. Seaver 158 09 Dec 1938 Bermuda Smith's Parish. 2770075 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. O. K. Miller 5592 15 Jul 1967 Canada Yukon Cultus Bay, Kluane Lake 01943811
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. H. E. Bigelow 5008 26 Jun 1957 Canada Quebec Botanical Garden, Montreal. 02765889 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Baker 158 29 Aug 1904 Cuba Santiago de las Vegas. 02765904 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle s.n. 29 Jun 1904 Cuba 02765903 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle s.n. May 1905 Cuba 02765887 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle 22 s.d. Cuba 02765900 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Wright s.n. s.d. Cuba 2770083 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Wright s.n. s.d. Cuba 2770084 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. W. E. Broadway s.n. 19 Jun 1906 Grenada The [illegible], St. George's. 2770073 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. R. P. Duss 1673 1904 Guadeloupe Collège B. Terre. 2770076 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. L. M. Underwood 3173 02 Sep 1906 - 10 Sep 1906 Jamaica Vicinity of Cinchona. 2770065 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. G. Britton 468 02 Sep 1907 - 09 Sep 1907 Jamaica Santa Cruz Mountains, Malvern. Stanmore… 2770064 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle 199 s.d. Jamaica 02765901 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle 326 s.d. Jamaica 02770063 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle 113 s.d. Jamaica 2770066 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. K. P. Dumont Dumont-PA509 17 Jun 1975 Panama Veraguas Along Panama Highway 35 from… 2770067 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. H. M. Curran s.n. May 1900 Philippines Cagayan Luzon. Province of Cagayan. 2770082 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. N. L. Britton 1239 15 Mar 1906 - 20 Mar 1906 Puerto Rico Utuado 2770080 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. B. Fink 949 17 Dec 1915 Puerto Rico Mayagüez 2770078 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. B. Fink 1979 06 Jun 1916 Puerto Rico [Illegible precise loc.] 2770077 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle 111 11 Nov 1918 Puerto Rico Río Piedras. 2770081 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. Puerto Rico 02765898 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. Bartholomew 18 Jul 1894 United States of America Kansas Rooks Co. 218058
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. O. F. Cook s.n. Jul 1887 United States of America New York Wayne Co. Clyde. 2770068 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle s.n. 06 Sep 1899 United States of America Alabama Chambers. 2770086 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle s.n. Nov 1899 United States of America Alabama Lee Co. Auburn. 2770087 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. S. Earle 42 04 Sep 1908 United States of America Louisiana Orleans Parish. New Orleans. 2770092 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. F. J. Seaver s.n. 23 May 1938 United States of America New York Bronx Co. The New York… 2770070 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. W. Dole s.n. 15 Jun 1909 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. Schenley Park. 02765888 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. R. Cogswell 78 25 Jul 1898 United States of America Massachusetts Middlesex Co. Cambridge. 02765890 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. R. Cogswell 78 25 Jul 1898 United States of America Massachusetts Middlesex Co. Cambridge. 02765895 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. J. Field 97 18 Jul 1899 United States of America New Hampshire Cheshire Co. Alstead. 02765896 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. R. Cogswell 78 25 Jul 1898 United States of America Massachusetts Middlesex Co. Cambridge. 02765897 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. D. R. Sumstine s.n. Jun 1905 United States of America Pennsylvania Armstrong Co. Kittanning. 02765902 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Collector unspecified s.n. 14 Sep 1910 United States of America Virginia Clarke Co. White Post. 02765905 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. D. Clarke s.n. 25 Jul 1911 - 08 Aug 1911 United States of America New York Long Island. Cold Spring Harbor 2770069 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Collector unspecified s.n. Jul 1887 United States of America New York Wayne Co. Clyde. 2770071 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. B. Volkert s.n. 08 Aug 1911 United States of America New York Bronxwood Park. 2770072 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. Bartholomew s.n. 10 Jul 1895 United States of America Kansas Rooks Co. Rockport. 2770088 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. Bartholomew s.n. 22 Jul 1895 United States of America Kansas Rooks Co. 2770089 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. Bartholomew s.n. 21 Jul 1896 United States of America Kansas Rooks Co. 2770090 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. E. West s.n. 17 Jul 1935 United States of America Florida Alachua Co. Gainesville. 2770091 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. D. R. Sumstine s.n. May 1902 United States of America Pennsylvania Armstrong Co. Kittanning. 2770093 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. D. R. Sumstine s.n. Jun 1904 United States of America Pennsylvania Armstrong Co. Kittanning. 2770094 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Jerry Eline s.n. 26 Sep 1978 United States of America Pennsylvania Franklin Co. Mont Alto Campus,… 02533340
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Collector unspecified s.n. Oct 1899 United States of America California 02765899 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. Collector unspecified 3001 s.d. 2770074 Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc.
Panaeolus solidipes (Peck) Sacc. 2770079