Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Nephroma australe A.Rich. R. B. Filson 7042 21 Mar 1965 Australia Victoria on the Federation Track between… 2607095 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. L. Brako 3415 06 Sep 1981 New Zealand Canterbury South Island: Banks Peninsula, 8km… 04630527 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. L. Brako 3556 08 Sep 1981 New Zealand Canterbury South Island: Canterbury Prov., Craigieburn… 04630528 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. D. H. Vitt 29624 21 Dec 1981 New Zealand South Island: Fiordland National Park,… 04630530 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. T. H. Nash 19691 08 May 1982 New Zealand Canterbury Mid-Canterbury, Mount Hutt, 12 km… 04630529 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. M. E. Hale Jr. 63253 29 Jan 1984 New Zealand South Island, Fiordland, Mackay Creek,… 04591626 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. J. A. Elix 21890 29 Mar 1988 Australia Victoria Goonmirk Rocks, Errinundra Flora Reserve,… 04591256 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. J. W. Colenso s.n. s.d. Australasia 04630525 Nephroma australe A.Rich.
Nephroma australe A.Rich. C. Knight s.n. s.d. New Zealand New Zealand 04630526 Nephroma australe A.Rich.