Displaying 26 - 29 out of 29 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara R. M. Harley 21465 17 Apr 1980 Brazil Bahia Basin of the Upper Sao… 653305 Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara
Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara R. Reiss 39 10 Jan 1934 Brazil Mato Grosso do Sul Porto Murtinho Mun. Floating in… 01067092 Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara
Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara R. Romero-Castañeda 6327 01 Jul 1957 Colombia Chocó Rio Cacarica, en sus orillas 653310
Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara W. W. Thomas 4616 26 Oct 1985 Brazil Mato Grosso Poconé Mun. Pantanal. 16 km… 01067085 Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara