Displaying 1776 - 1800 out of 1903 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Leskea carnifolia Müll.Hal. A. Rehmann s.n. 1875 - 1877 South Africa Rondebosh. original material 01273834 Leskea carnifolia Müll.Hal.
Leskea cavifolia Hook.f. & Wilson Collector unknown 96 1837 Brazil Jurajuba Bay, opposite Rio. type 01273835 Leskea cavifolia Hook.f. & Wilson
Leskea concinna Hook. Menzies s.n. s.d. New Zealand possible isotype 01273836 Leskea concinna Hook.
Leskea depressa Hedw. Collector unknown s.n. s.d. Jamaica possible type 01273843 Leskea depressa Hedw.
Leskea depressa Hedw. O. P. Swartz s.n. s.d. Jamaica Fl. Ind. occ. type 01273844 Leskea depressa Hedw.
Leskea falcata Dozy & Molk. Collector unknown s.n. s.d. Indonesia Java. isosyntype 01273845 Leskea falcata Dozy & Molk.
Leskea fulvastra Mitt. Milne s.n. s.d. New Zealand Hummock Isd. Bass' Straits. syntype 01273846 Leskea fulvastra Mitt.
Leskea fulvastra Mitt. Milne s.n. s.d. New Zealand syntype 01273847 Leskea fulvastra Mitt.
Leskea fulvastra Mitt. J. K. Müller 82 s.d. New Zealand syntype 01273848 Leskea fulvastra Mitt.
Leskea fulvastra Mitt. Kerr s.n. s.d. New Zealand type 01273852 Leskea fulvastra Mitt.
Leskea homomalla Hampe J. A. L. Preiss 2465 s.d. isotype 01273860 Leskea homomalla Hampe
Leskea hookeri Mitt. Wallich s.n. s.d. Nepal Himalayas syntype 01273863 Leskea hookeri Mitt.
Leskea involvens Hedw. Collector unknown s.n. s.d. Jamaica type 01273864 Leskea involvens Hedw.
Leskea nitida Hook.f. & Wilson Collector unknown s.n. s.d. Argentina Fuegia possible type 01273869 Leskea nitida Hook.f. & Wilson
Leskea pellucinervis Mitt. Collector unknown 1146 19/4/48 syntype 01273871 Leskea pellucinervis Mitt.
Leskea hedwigii Wilson Jameson s.n. s.d. Hot country at the W.… possible type 01273876 Leskea hedwigii Wilson
Leskea hedwigii Wilson Jameson s.n. s.d. Hot country at the Western… possible type 01273877 Leskea hedwigii Wilson
Leskea pterogonioides Harv. Wallich s.n. s.d. Nepal possible type 01273880 Leskea pterogonioides Harv.
Leskea pusilla Mitt. A. C. Maingay s.n. s.d. Japan type 01273881 Leskea pusilla Mitt.
Leskea pusilla Mitt. A. C. Maingay s.n. s.d. Japan type 01273882 Leskea pusilla Mitt.
Leskea pusilla Mitt. A. C. Maingay s.n. s.d. Japan type 01273883 Leskea pusilla Mitt.
Leskea reineckii var. minor Broth. E. M. Reineck 3 Jul 27 1897 Brazil Porto alegre: Ruados voluntarios da… original material 01273884 Leskea reineckii var. minor Broth.
Leskea rutilans var. portoricensis Brid. G. B. Balbis s.n. s.d. Puerto Rico type 01273885 Leskea rutilans var. portoricensis Brid.
Leskea subcompressa Bruch & Schimp. Collector unknown 481b Jul 1843 Ethiopia Abbyssinia isotype 01273889 Leskea subcompressa Bruch & Schimp.
Leskea tristis Ces. V. de Cesati s.n. 1855 Italy Montefano ad Verbanum possible type 01273895 Leskea tristis Ces.