Displaying 301 - 325 out of 352 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Isotachis lyallii Mitt. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. New Zealand Port Preservation type 1021042 Isotachis lyallii Mitt.
Isotachis lyallii Mitt. D. Lyall s.n. s.d. New Zealand Hu[ss]? Valley 1021046
Isotachis multiceps (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Gottsche L. Maurice 147a 10 Apr 1967 Martinique Mt. Pelée 725158
Isotachis multiceps (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Gottsche L. Maurice 145 10 Apr 1967 Martinique Mt. Pelée 725159
Isotachis multiceps (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Gottsche N. W. Simmonds 150 12/4/1945 Jamaica Blue Mt. Peak 564931
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche Wilds 7 Jamaica 564951
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche W. H. Harris 11024 5/12/1896 Jamaica Near Cinchona 564939
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche W. H. Harris 11024 5/12/1896 Jamaica Near Cinchona 564945
Isotachis aubertii (Schwägr.) Mitt. L. Hahn 775 Martinique 564956
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche L. Hahn Martinique 564933
Isotachis indica Mitt. J. D. Hooker | T. Thomson 1339c s.d. India In mountium Khasian holotype 1021037 Isotachis indica Mitt.
Isotachis indica Mitt. J. D. Hooker 1339c s.d. India isotype 1021036 Isotachis indica Mitt.
Isotachis japonica Steph. H. Inoue s.n. 28 Oct 1966 Taiwan Mt. Ali, Chia-yi Hsien. 02136034
Isotachis armata (Nees) Gottsche T. Kodama s.n. 22 Mar 1974 Borneo: Between Carson's Camp and… 02136033
Isotachis uleana Steph. 1670108 Isotachis uleana Steph.
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche H. H. Rusby 5038 1885 Bolivia Nuduar 1670053 Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche
Isotachis E. G. Britton 5321 13 Mar 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, Arroyo de los… 1669999 Isotachis
Isotachis E. G. Britton 4101 12 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, vicinity of Maricao 1670000 Isotachis
Isotachis E. G. Britton 4102 12 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, vicinity of Maricao 1670001 Isotachis
Isotachis N. L. Britton 5447 15 Mar 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, Monte Cerrote, near… 1670002 Isotachis
Isotachis E. G. Britton 4100 12 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, vicinity of Maricao 1670003 Isotachis
Isotachis N. L. Britton 7495 16 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, vicinity of Ala… 1670006 Isotachis
Isotachis armata (Nees) Gottsche 04285882 Isotachis armata (Nees) Gottsche
Isotachis multiceps (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Gottsche 1670035 Isotachis multiceps (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Gottsche
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche 1670079 Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche