Displaying 26 - 50 out of 352 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche A. Duss 216 1901 Guadeloupe Morne l'Echelle 564922
Isotachis aubertii (Schwägr.) Mitt. A. Duss 1012 20 May 1902 Guadeloupe Bois des Bains Jaunes, au… 564871
Isotachis inflata Steph. P. K. H. Dusén s.n. Jun 1902 Brazil Serra do Itatiaya type 01319053 Isotachis inflata Steph.
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche L. M. Underwood 239 30 Jan 1903 Jamaica Cinchona Plantation 564946
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche L. M. Underwood 312 30 Jan 1903 Jamaica Raod from Cinchona to Morce's… 564950
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche L. M. Underwood 1438 11-12 Feb 1903 Jamaica Blue Mt. Peak 564949
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche L. M. Underwood 2222 15 Apr 1903 Jamaica Near Hardwar Gap 564948
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche L. M. Underwood 2725 01 May 1903 Jamaica Cuna-Cuna Pass 564947
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche A. W. Evans 154 16 Jul 1903 Jamaica Newhaven Gap 564943
Isotachis erythrorhiza (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Spruce A. W. Evans 179 17 Jul 1903 Jamaica Near Hardwar Gap 564915
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche A. W. Evans 234 21 Jul 1903 Jamaica Blue Mountain Peak 564942
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche A. Duss 1209b Sep 1903 Martinique Bois de Colson 564953
Isotachis multiceps (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Gottsche A. Duss 1184 Sep 1903 Martinique Bord de la rivière Blanche 564873
Isotachis multiceps (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Gottsche A. Duss 60 1903 Guadeloupe Près des sources sulfurouses du… 564955
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche A. Duss 65 1903 Guadeloupe Morne Gyane 564919
Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche C. E. Cummings 3 Feb-Mar 1905 Jamaica Vicinity of Cinchona 564944
Isotachis E. G. Britton 4101 12 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, vicinity of Maricao 1670000 Isotachis
Isotachis E. G. Britton 4102 12 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, vicinity of Maricao 1670001 Isotachis
Isotachis E. G. Britton 4100 12 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, vicinity of Maricao 1670003 Isotachis
Isotachis E. G. Britton 5321 13 Mar 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, Arroyo de los… 1669999 Isotachis
Isotachis N. L. Britton 5447 15 Mar 1915 Puerto Rico Porto Rico, Monte Cerrote, near… 1670002 Isotachis
Isotachis N. L. Britton 7237 04 Feb 1923 - 11 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Maricao Indiera Baja Barrio. Porto Rico,… 1670004 Isotachis
Isotachis N. L. Britton 7237 04 Feb 1923 - 11 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Maricao Indiera Baja Barrio. Porto Rico,… 1670005 Isotachis
Isotachis N. L. Britton 7404 04 Feb 1923 - 11 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Maricao Indiera Baja Barrio. Porto Rico,… 1670008 Isotachis
Isotachis N. L. Britton 7496 16 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Orocovis Ala de la Piedra Barrio.… 1670007 Isotachis