Displaying 26 - 50 out of 105 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger A. J. Sharp BC-254 24 Sep 1964 Canada British Columbia E end of Lake Cameron,… 02317463
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger A. J. Sharp F-18 31 Aug 1964 Canada British Columbia Pass at head of Summit… 02468181
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger W. B. Schofield 15647 26 Aug 1961 Canada British Columbia Skeena-Queen Charlotte Reg. Distr. Trounce… 157556
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger 05 May 1890 Canada British Columbia Columbia-Shuswap Reg. Distr. Revelstoke. 157547
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger May 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Columbia River above… 157538
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger May 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Columbia River above… 157539
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger May 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Columbia River above… 157540
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger May 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Columbia River above… 157548
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger W. R. Taylor 17 Aug 1921 Canada British Columbia Big Eddy of Columbia River,… 157541
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. Macoun 05 May 1890 Canada British Columbia Columbia-Shuswap Reg. Distr. Revelstoke. By… 157531
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. Macoun 05 May 1890 Canada British Columbia Columbia-Shuswap Reg. Distr. Revelstoke. By… 157532
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. Macoun 05 May 1890 Canada British Columbia Columbia-Shuswap Reg. Distr. Revelstoke. By… 157537
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger 07 Aug 1890 Canada British Columbia In Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains 157533
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger 07 Aug 1890 Canada British Columbia In Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains 157534
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger 07 Aug 1890 Canada British Columbia In Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains 157535
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger Canada British Columbia In Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains 509377
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger F. A. MacFadden 28 May 1926 Canada British Columbia New Denver. Ten Mile Creek 157554
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. B. Leiberg 138ML May 1892 United States of America Idaho Kootenai Co. 465628
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. B. Leiberg 138ML Jun 1892 United States of America Idaho Kootenai Co. 465629
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. B. Leiberg 1888 United States of America Idaho Kootenai Co. Traille River basin 465649
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. A. Allen 20 Feb 1898 United States of America Washington Upper Valley of the Nesqually 157527
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. A. Allen 20 Feb 1898 United States of America Washington Upper Valley of the Nesqually 157545
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. A. Allen 20 Feb 1898 United States of America Washington Upper Valley of the Nesqually 465626
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. M. Holzinger 21 Jul 1898 United States of America Montana Flathead Co. On Mt. Lottie… 465638
Heterocladium procurrens (Mitt.) A.Jaeger J. A. Allen 20 Feb 1898 United States of America Washington Upper Valley of the Nesqually 465643