Displaying 51 - 64 out of 64 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Geastrum rufescens Pers. R. Lowen 505 13 Dec 1987 Israel Hagalil: Upper Galilee, Bar Am… 1952599 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. J. Macoun 371 14 Oct 1996 Canada 1942244 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. C. S. Crandall 293 08 Oct 1997 United States of America Colorado Poudre Cañon. 1942261 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. 1942248 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. 1942250 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. Collector unspecified s.n. [Gentry]. 1942251 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. D. L. James s.n. s.d. United States of America Ohio Hamilton Co. Cincinnati. 1942274 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. R. S. Williams s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Bronx Co. The New York… 1942273 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. T. H. Macbride s.n. s.d. United States of America Iowa Johnson Co. Iowa City. 1942266 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. 1942252 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. J. Macoun s.n. s.d. Canada 1952598 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. T. S. Brandegee 3470 s.d. United States of America Colorado 1942262 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. Earle s.n. s.d. United States of America Alabama 1952596 Geastrum rufescens Pers.
Geastrum rufescens Pers. James s.n. s.d. United States of America Ohio 1952600 Geastrum rufescens Pers.