Displaying 1976 - 2000 out of 2091 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Eriocaulon texense Körn. 3706275 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. 3706276 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. 3706277 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. D. S. Correll 25168 08 May 1962 United States of America Texas Angelina Co. about 4 miles… 3706278 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. S. L. Orzell 6593 05 May 1988 United States of America Texas Anderson Co. ca. 1.1 mi… 3706279 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. S. L. Orzell 6557 04 May 1988 United States of America Texas Henderson Co. on W side… 3706280 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. D. S. Correll 25168 08 May 1962 United States of America Texas Angelina Co. about 4 miles… 3706281 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. J. Reverchon 4359 09 May 1902 United States of America Texas Smith Co. 3706283 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. 3706284 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. D. S. Correll 30952 05 May 1965 United States of America Texas Henderson Co. Koon Kreek Klub… 3706285 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. B. H. Warnock 224 04 May 1940 United States of America Texas Austin Co. Bellville Bog 3706287 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. B. H. Warnock 224 04 May 1940 United States of America Texas Austin Co. Bellville Bog 3706288 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. D. S. Correll 22333 25 May 1959 United States of America Texas Tyler Co. 6 miles north… 3706282 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. T. Drummond 409 United States of America Texas isotype 00102586 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon texense Körn. C. L. Lundell 8463 20 Apr 1940 United States of America Texas Anderson Co. 19 miles southeast… 3706286 Eriocaulon texense Körn.
Eriocaulon thwaitesii Körn. 4315562 Eriocaulon thwaitesii Körn.
Eriocaulon thwaitesii Körn. 4315563 Eriocaulon thwaitesii Körn.
Eriocaulon tonkinense Ruhland B. Balansa 247 02 Nov 1885 Vietnam Tonkin isotype 00102720 Eriocaulon tonkinense Ruhland
Eriocaulon transvaalicum var. hanningtonii (N.E.Br.) Meikle H. Faulkner K.22 Jul 1948 Mozambique Zambézia Quelimane District, Mocuba, Namagoa estate 04735931 Eriocaulon transvaalicum var. hanningtonii (N.E.Br.) Meikle
Eriocaulon trichosepalum C.Wright C. Wright 3740 s.d. Cuba isotype 00073119 Eriocaulon trichosepalum C.Wright
Eriocaulon trichosepalum C.Wright C. Wright 3740 s.d. Cuba isotype 00073120 Eriocaulon trichosepalum C.Wright
Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland J. M. Hildebrandt 3715 Nov 1880 Madagascar Ost-Imerina: Andrangoloaka. Im. Sumpf. isotype 00102687 Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland
Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland K. R. Afzelius s.n. 12 Oct 1912 Madagascar Prov. Andevorante: Moramanga 04735932 Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland
Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland R. Viguier 907 22 Oct 1912 Madagascar Forêt d' Analamazaotra, prov. Andovoranto,… 04735933 Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland
Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland J. M. H. A. Perrier de la Bâthie 7251 Sep 1912 Madagascar sur la riv. Anova 04735934 Eriocaulon trilobatum Ruhland