Displaying 1 - 25 out of 399 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Dyschoriste F. W. Pennell 16938 22 Jun 1934 Mexico Nuevo León Hacienda "Villa Hermosa," south of… 311954 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste Grupo Pedra do Cavalo 522 Aug 1980 Brazil Bahia Roncador - Cachoeira, Bahia. Vale… 484244 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste 3601935 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste 3601936 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste J. C. Lindeman 3083 17 Oct 1966 Brazil Paraná Jaguariaíva Mun. Between Rio 5… 484243 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste H. S. Irwin 15970 24 May 1966 Brazil Mato Grosso Ca. 60 km. N. of… 930100 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste W. W. Thomas 13539 25 Jul 2003 Brazil Bahia Jequié Mun. Serra do Castanhão,… 00917632 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste 04218132 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste R. E. S. Tanner 988 11 Sep 1952 Tanzania Lake Province Ihelele Parish, Mbarika… 5043531 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste R. E. S. Tanner 1203 08 Feb 1953 Tanzania Lake Province Igokero Chiefdom, Mwanza… 5043537 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste R. E. S. Tanner 1380 15 Apr 1953 Tanzania Lake Province Mbarika Parish, Mbarika… 5043534 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste M. Richards 25120 14 Jan 1970 Tanzania Yaida Valley, Yaida Escarpment 05043529 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste E. A. Robinson 6143 07 Jan 1964 Zambia Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East… 5043530 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste Assistant Conservator of Forests 307 s.d. Kenya 5043533 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste Assistant Conservator of Forests 307 s.d. Kenya 5043532 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste P. J. Tyrer 895 07 Sep 1962 Malawi Near Nganda Hill, Nyika Plateau. 5043535 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste E. A. K. Banda 3342 14 Jul 1988 Malawi Blantyre Malawi S Reg. Michiru Hills 5043536 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste albiflora Lindau D. A. Nangoma 205 14 Jul 1993 Malawi Machinga S. Reg. Chikala Hills. 6… 05043474 Dyschoriste albiflora Lindau
Dyschoriste albiflora Lindau Z. L. K. Magombo 59 31 Mar 1990 Malawi Dedza Malawi Central Reg. Dzenza Hill 05043475 Dyschoriste albiflora Lindau
Dyschoriste amoena (Nees) Kuntze R. M. Klein 1116 08 Feb 1955 Brazil Santa Catarina Itajaí Mun. Cunhas, Itajaí. 484236 Dyschoriste amoena (Nees) Kuntze
Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small 3601691 Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small
Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small 3601692 Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small
Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small 3601693 Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small
Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small 3601694 Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small
Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small 3601695 Dyschoriste angusta (A.Gray) Small