Displaying 151 - 175 out of 12689 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Croton fruticulosus Engelm. A. C. V. Schott s.n. Oct 1852 United States of America Texas Rio Bravo del Norte. From… 3963827 Croton fruticulosus Engelm.
Croton dioicus Cav. A. C. V. Schott s.n. Oct 1852 United States of America Texas Rio Bravo del Norte. near… 3963755 Croton dioicus Cav.
Croton dioicus Cav. A. C. V. Schott s.n. Oct 1852 United States of America Texas near the Pecos, western Texas 3963756 Croton dioicus Cav.
Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg. G. Thurber 810 1852 Mexico Chihuahua 3978122 Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg.
Croton G. Thurber 700 1852 Mexico Chihuahua 3978385 Croton
Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg. J. M. Bigelow 591 24 Aug 1853 United States of America Texas Camp No 34 Pecan Creek… 3974166 Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg.
Croton chinensis Benth. C. Wright s.n. 1853-1856 China Hong Kong syntype 262988 Croton chinensis Benth.
Croton lachnocarpus Benth. C. Wright s.n. 1853-1856 China Hong Kong syntype 262989 Croton lachnocarpus Benth.
Croton cumingii Müll.Arg. C. Wright s.n. 1853-1856 Japan Okinawa Loo-Choo Islands (Nansei-shoto) isotype 262991 Croton cumingii Müll.Arg.
Croton punctatus Jacq. F. Müller 4121 1853 Mexico Tabasco Jalapa Mun. 3975319 Croton punctatus Jacq.
Croton glandulosus L. var. glandulosus J. M. Bigelow s.n. 1853 - 1854 United States of America Fort Smith to the Rio… 3972882 Croton glandulosus L. var. glandulosus
Croton morifolius var. lanatus Müll.Arg. F. Müller 1853 Mexico type 246482 Croton morifolius var. lanatus Müll.Arg.
Croton astroites Dryand. I. F. Holton 863 16 May 1854 Virgin Islands (U.S.) Saint Thomas Ins. S. Thomae 1386031 Croton astroites Dryand.
Croton ovalifolius Vahl I. F. Holton 869 16 May 1854 Virgin Islands (U.S.) Saint Thomas Ins. S. Thomae 1426335 Croton ovalifolius Vahl
Croton flavens L. I. F. Holton 867 16 May 1854 Unknown 1426161 Croton flavens L.
Croton scaber var. obscurus Müll.Arg. A. Fendler 1234 1854-1855 Venezuela Prope colonium Tovar isotype 262951 Croton scaber var. obscurus Müll.Arg.
Croton sonorae Torr. A. C. V. Schott 17 Jul 1855 Mexico Sierra de Nayos? holotype 246490 Croton sonorae Torr.
Croton punctatus Jacq. L. R. Gibbes s.n. 27 Oct 1855 United States of America South Carolina Sullivan's Island, Charleston 3973769 Croton punctatus Jacq.
Croton californicus var. mohavensis A.M.Ferguson A. C. V. Schott 5 1855 United States of America Alluvial banks of the Colorado… syntype 246424 Croton californicus var. mohavensis A.M.Ferguson
Croton draconoides Müll.Arg. R. Spruce 4582 1855-1856 Peru San Martín Prope Tarapoto, Peruviae orientalis syntype 246537 Croton draconoides Müll.Arg.
Croton stenosepalus Müll.Arg. R. Spruce 4160 1855-1856 Peru San Martín Prope Tarapoto isotype 262960 Croton stenosepalus Müll.Arg.
Croton tarapotensis Müll.Arg. R. Spruce 4188 1855-1856 Peru San Martín Prope Tarapoto isotype 262964 Croton tarapotensis Müll.Arg.
Croton olivaceus Müll.Arg. R. Spruce 4939 1855-1856 Peru San Martín Tarapoto. Peruviae orientalis isotype 262926 Croton olivaceus Müll.Arg.
Croton meissneri Müll.Arg. F. Müller 1855 Mexico Veracruz Orizaba Mun. type 246480 Croton meissneri Müll.Arg.
Croton origanifolius Lam. C. Wright 564 Jul 1856 Cuba Oriente: in Cuba Orientali 1426291 Croton origanifolius Lam.