Displaying 251 - 275 out of 355 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Coffea canephora Pierre ex A.Froehner 05047354 Coffea canephora Pierre ex A.Froehner
Coffea canephora var. robusta Pierre ex A.Froehner P. Acevedo-Rodríguez 5228 28 August 1992 Puerto Rico Isabela Guajataca Forest. Along road by… 839573 Coffea canephora var. robusta Pierre ex A.Froehner
Coffea cochinchinensis Pierre J. B. L. Pierre 1347 Apr 1870 Cambodia Crescit in montibus Sipral [spelling… possible type 131104 Coffea cochinchinensis Pierre
Coffea congensis A.Froehner 05047505 Coffea congensis A.Froehner
Coffea congensis A.Froehner 05047506 Coffea congensis A.Froehner
Coffea congensis A.Froehner F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 915 16 Oct 1925 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala - Jard. Botanique 5032441 Coffea congensis A.Froehner
Coffea congensis A.Froehner J. M. Reitsma 921 09 May 1985 Gabon Chantier Rougier-Ocean, Oveng 05032440 Coffea congensis A.Froehner
Coffea congensis A.Froehner F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 775 30 Sep 1925 Democratic Republic of the Congo environs Coquilhatville 5032442 Coffea congensis A.Froehner
Coffea densiflora Blume 05047507 Coffea densiflora Blume
Coffea densiflora Blume 5047508 Coffea densiflora Blume
Coffea densiflora Blume 5047509 Coffea densiflora Blume
Coffea densiflora Blume 5047510 Coffea densiflora Blume
Coffea densiflora Blume 5047511 Coffea densiflora Blume
Coffea eugenioides S.Moore R. E. S. Tanner 3379 10 Jan 1957 Tanzania Tanga Pangani (Distr.). Mkaramo Parish, Mkwaja… 05032446 Coffea eugenioides S.Moore
Coffea eugenioides S.Moore J. D. Snowden S729 Aug 1921 Uganda cult on Govt. Pln. Kampala.… 05032447 Coffea eugenioides S.Moore
Coffea excelsa A.Chev. A. J. B. Chevalier 7000 02 Jan 1903 Chad Chari Oriental (pays de Snoussi,… isotype 689191 Coffea excelsa A.Chev.
Coffea excelsa A.Chev. 05047513 Coffea excelsa A.Chev.
Coffea excelsa A.Chev. J. M. Reitsma 3286 16 Apr 1987 Gabon ca. 50 km. SW of… 05032445 Coffea excelsa A.Chev.
Coffea humbertii J.-F.Leroy 05032448 Coffea humbertii J.-F.Leroy
Coffea humblotiana Baill. 02715348 Coffea humblotiana Baill.
Coffea humilis A.Chev. G. P. Cooper 137 1928 Liberia (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai… 05032449 Coffea humilis A.Chev.
Coffea klaineana Pierre T.-J. Klaine 1888 25 Mar 1904 Gabon LIBREVILLE 05032450 Coffea klaineana Pierre
Coffea lamtoensis Portères R. Portères 224 28 Dec 1962 Côte d'Ivoire Lamto. Galerie frestiere du Bandama isotype 1842961 Coffea lamtoensis Portères
Coffea lamtoensis Portères R. Portères 224 28 Dec 1962 Côte d'Ivoire Lamto. Galerie frestiere du Bandama isotype 1842962 Coffea lamtoensis Portères
Coffea liberica var. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Hiern & Lebrun E. L. Little Jr. 13715 20 Aug 1950 Puerto Rico Manatí Km. 20 Manati-Villalba hy. [highway] 1322982 Coffea liberica var. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Hiern & Lebrun