Displaying 1 - 25 out of 652 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Buchnera floridana Gand. D. S. Correll 45411 24 May 1975 Bahamas North Andros Grand Bahama: about Pelican Lake 1334304 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. D. S. Correll 42600 05 Jul 1974 Bahamas Central Abaco Great Abaco: marsh along roadway… 1334305 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. D. S. Correll 41293 29 Jan 1974 Bahamas Andros, Twin Lakes region 1334306 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. N. L. Britton 2460 06 Feb 1905 Bahamas West Grand Bahama Eight Mile Rocks. 1334309 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. D. S. Correll 47853 08 Dec 1976 Bahamas North Andros North Andros: edge of marsh… 1334311 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. A. E. Wight 273 12 Apr 1905 Bahamas New Providence 6 1/2 mi. southwest of… 1334312 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. D. S. Correll 46239 23 Nov 1975 Bahamas Cat Island Near Dolphin Head. 1334313 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. D. S. Correll 44192 18 Jan 1975 Bahamas Bimini South Bimini: near ferry slip… 1334315 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. D. S. Correll 51356 18 May 1980 Bahamas North Andros North Andros: pinelands , London… 1334317 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. J. I. Northrop 467 15 Apr 1890 Bahamas North Andros Red Bays 1334322 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. J. I. Northrop 467 15 Apr 1890 Bahamas North Andros Red Bays 1334323 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera floridana Gand. N. L. Britton 203 24 Aug 1904 Bahamas New Providence Farringdon Road. 1334326 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera longifolia Kunth E. G. Britton 6530 12/3/1907 Bahamas New Providence Killarney Pine Barrens 1334345 Buchnera longifolia Kunth
Buchnera floridana Gand. P. Wilson 8406 5 Jun 1909 Bahamas New Providence vicinity of Maidenhair Coppice 1334308 Buchnera floridana Gand.
Buchnera elongata f. rigidior Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. Jul 1892 Bolivia Ost-Velasco type 67926 Buchnera elongata f. rigidior Kuntze
Buchnera integrifolia Larrañaga A. F. C. P. Saint-Hilaire Catal. B1,1777 1816-1821 Brazil Minas Gerais Ad Duro Branco, in paludosis… 499349 Buchnera integrifolia Larrañaga
Buchnera rosea Kunth L. Riedel 3001 Feb 1834-Jul 1834 Brazil Brasilia 499396 Buchnera rosea Kunth
Buchnera rosea Kunth Martii Herbar. Florae Brasil. 1286 Brazil Cuyaba. 499368 Buchnera rosea Kunth
Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl. L. Riedel 2071 01 Feb 1834 Brazil São Paulo Inter Gt'n et Sarocaha. 499366 Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl.
Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl. L. Riedel 2071 1834 Brazil Brasilia 499367 Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl.
Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl. A. F. C. P. Saint-Hilaire s.n. 1816-1821 Brazil Brasilia 499369 Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl.
Buchnera longifolia Kunth A. F. C. P. Saint-Hilaire s.n. 1816-1821 Brazil Brasilia 499380 Buchnera longifolia Kunth
Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl. I. Cordeiro CFCR10020 02 Sep 1986 Brazil Minas Gerais Grão Mogol. Rib. dos Bois. 911495 Buchnera lavandulacea Cham. & Schltdl.
Buchnera juncea Cham. & Schltdl. E. P. Heringer 2324 10 Oct 1979 Brazil Goiás Estrada Alto Paraiso - Teresina. 911536 Buchnera juncea Cham. & Schltdl.
Buchnera juncea Cham. & Schltdl. D. R. Hunt 6613 12 Jul 1966 Brazil Distrito Federal Brasília. Córrego Vicente Pires, Setor… 911541 Buchnera juncea Cham. & Schltdl.