Displaying 301 - 304 out of 304 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Boerhavia coccinea Mill. 1374960 Boerhavia coccinea Mill.
Boerhavia coccinea Mill. A. H. Curtiss North American Plants No.2335 June [18XX] United States of America Florida Cultivated grounds, Hillsboro River [river… 2361445 Boerhavia coccinea Mill.
Boerhavia coccinea Mill. A. H. Curtiss North American Plants No.2335 June [18XX] United States of America Florida Cultivated grounds, Hillsboro River [river… 2361444 Boerhavia coccinea Mill.
Boerhavia coccinea Mill. 1374868 Boerhavia coccinea Mill.