Displaying 476 - 500 out of 518 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph. A. Schäfer-Verwimp 11801 24 Sep 1989 Brazil Sao Paulo. Grande Sao Paulo,… 1666540 Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph.
Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph. M. Guariglia 1592 31 Jan 1982 Venezuela Territorio Federal Amazonas. Departamento Atabapo:… 1666530 Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph.
Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph. P. K. H. Dusén 425 02 May 1902 Brazil Serra do Itatiaia, Mont Serrat.… 1666532 Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph.
Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph. T. Pócs 9057/EZ 17 Nov 1978 Cuba Santiago de Cuba Gran Piedra, en la ladera… 561836
Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph. C. Wright s.n. s.d. Cuba 561838
Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph. L. J. Dorr 6972 B 07 Jan 1990 Bolivia La Paz Larecaja Prov. N of Sorata… 1666526 Anastrophyllum piligerum (Reinw., Blume & Nees) Steph.
Anastrophyllum prionophyllum S.Hatt. B. O. van Zanten 610 18 Jul 1959 Papua New Guinea Star Mts., Mt. Antares, Camp… paratype 944754 Anastrophyllum prionophyllum S.Hatt.
Anastrophyllum reichardtii (Gottsche) Steph. R. M. Schuster 46157a 22 Aug 1960 Greenland NW Greenland: Kânâk, Inglefield Bay,… 699544
Anastrophyllum revolutum Steph. 04530060
Anastrophyllum revolutum Steph. 04530061
Anastrophyllum revolutum Steph. 04694562
Anastrophyllum sphenoloboides R.M.Schust. R. M. Schuster 45984 09 Aug 1960 Greenland NW Greenland: Kangerdlugssuak, S side… type 699853 Anastrophyllum sphenoloboides R.M.Schust.
Anastrophyllum stellatum R.M.Schust. A. M. Cleef 8204 21 Jan 1973 Colombia Paramo de Sumapaz, Cerro Nevado… 1666479 Anastrophyllum stellatum R.M.Schust.
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle F. M. Liebmann s.n. Mexico Mirador 613206 Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle T. A. Zanoni 18818X 25 Dec 1981 Dominican Republic La Vega Cordillera Central, Arroyo Las Espinas,… 561850
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle G. L. S. Merrill 10306 06 Dec 1979 Dominican Republic La Vega Cordillera Central, above La Siberia… 561846
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle G. L. S. Merrill 10308 06 Dec 1979 Dominican Republic La Vega Cordillera Central, above La Siberia… 561848
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle W. R. Buck 10197 22 Dec 1983 Ecuador Carchi Ca. 12 km N of… 1666543 Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle W. Mitten s.n. 20 Mar 1905 Brazil 1666544 Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle D. E. Breedlove 67327 08 May 1988 Mexico Chiapas San Cristóbal de las Casas… 613205 Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle A. Duss 124 1898 Guadeloupe Chemin des sources du Galion… 561826
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle A. Duss 472 1900 Martinique Pitons de l'Alma 561827
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle A. Duss 472 1900 Martinique Pitons de l'Alma 561828
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle W. Mitten s.n. 20 Mar 1905 1666458 Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle
Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle W. Mitten s.n. 20 Mar 1905 1666459 Anastrophyllum tubulosum (Nees) Grolle