Displaying 1 - 14 out of 14 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow s.n. 22 Aug 1956 United States of America Maine Aroostook Co. Madawaska Lake. 01997004 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow 11401 30 Aug 1962 United States of America Maine Piscataquis Co. Katahdin Lake Trail,… 01997013 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow 11435 31 Aug 1962 United States of America Maine Piscataquis Co. Bear Brook, T4… 01997036 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer 12385 26 Aug 1963 United States of America Massachusetts Berkshire Co. North Pond, Savoy… 01997005 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow 224 23 Sep 1951 United States of America Michigan Oakland Co. Haven Hill. 01997008 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow 2714 12 Sep 1955 United States of America Michigan Luce Co. Tahquamenon State Park. 01997009 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow 1304 12 Aug 1953 United States of America Michigan Luce Co. Tahquamenon State Park. 01997010 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer A. H. Smith 2603 22 Aug 1955 United States of America Michigan Luce Co. Tahquamenon Falls State… 01997011 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow 2640 25 Aug 1955 United States of America Michigan Chippewa Co. Tahquamenon State Park. 01997012 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer H. E. Bigelow 13642 23 Aug 1964 United States of America Vermont Lamoille Co. Near Lake Mansfield,… 01997006 Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer T. Flynn s.n. 05 Oct 1985 United States of America Virginia Montgomery Co. Dear Barn Forest,… 1767962
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer O. K. Miller 21625 1767959
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer O. K. Miller 22272 1767961
Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer Kim 85/VII/9/1057 s.d. South Korea 1767960