Displaying 1 - 13 out of 13 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn R. Spruce 4318 1857-1859 Ecuador In Andibus Ecuadorensibus isotype 564008 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn R. Spruce 4318 1857-1859 Ecuador In Andibus Ecuadorensibus isotype 564009 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn 3922076 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn A. D. A. Fay 3849 30 Jun 1992 Ecuador Tungurahua Baños (Canton). Across San Martin… 3922083 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn M. A. Giler E2762 23 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Between Tambo and Suscal. North… 3922082 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn M. A. Giler E2848 23 Apr 1945 - 25 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near Suscal. North rim of… 04236759 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn W. H. Camp E3477 29 May 1945 - 31 May 1945 Ecuador Chimborazo Cañon of the río Chanchan.… 3922081 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn F. W. Pennell 14762 28 Jun 1925 Peru Lima Atocongo 3922077 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn A. H. Gentry 22630 10 Jun 1978 Peru Piura 38 km E of Olmos… 3922079 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn A. H. Gentry 22630 10 Jun 1978 Peru Piura 38 km E of Olmos… 3922080 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn S. D. Knapp 8308 14 Sep 1986 Peru Lima Lima Prov. Quebrada (loma) de… 03922075 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn E. Cerrate Valenzuela 2721 26 Aug 1956 Peru Lima Lima Prov. Lomas de Atocongo,… 3922078 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn
Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn O. L. Orozco 167 05 May 2000 Peru Cajamarca Contumazá Prov. Trail Contumazá-Salcot, ca… 04236760 Adiantum subvolubile Kuhn