Displaying 51 - 75 out of 986 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Acroporium estrellae (Müll.Hal.) W.R.Buck & Schäf.-Verw. A. Schäfer-Verwimp 12021 22 Nov 1989 Brazil São Paulo Serra do Mar zwischen Mogi… 456635
Acroporium estrellae (Müll.Hal.) W.R.Buck & Schäf.-Verw. A. Schäfer-Verwimp 8218 20 Jan 1987 Brazil Rio Grande do Sul Serra do Gaucho bei Canela 456639
Acroporium estrellae (Müll.Hal.) W.R.Buck & Schäf.-Verw. A. Schäfer-Verwimp 11133 24 May 1989 Brazil São Paulo Litoral, Itanhaem, Fazenda Aurea am… 456637
Acroporium estrellae (Müll.Hal.) W.R.Buck & Schäf.-Verw. H. S. Irwin 33192 24 Mar 1971 Brazil Goiás Alto Paraíso de Goiás Mun.… 01273442
Acroporium longirostre (Brid.) W.R.Buck E. M. Pinheiro 252 13 Feb 2011 Brazil Goiás Chapada dos Veadeiros, Parque Nacional… 03303051
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. R. Buck 2601 19 Jul 1979 Brazil Along the Rio Negro between… 2247340 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. R. Buck 2384 05 Jul 1979 Brazil Along the Rio Negro between… 2247341 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium guianense (Mitt.) Broth. D. G. Griffin 375 25 Jul 1974 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Mun. Ao longo da… 02792147 Acroporium guianense (Mitt.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. J. Burchell 3851 s.d. Brazil 2247328 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. S. A. Mori 17144 03 Dec 1984 Brazil Amapá Oiapoque Mun. BR 156, road… 2247332 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. G. W. Traill s.n. s.d. Brazil [Cachoura de] Tarumã. 2247371 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. R. Buck 2371 05 Jul 1979 Brazil Along the Rio Negro between… 2247337 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. R. Buck 2436 09 Jul 1979 - 12 Jul 1979 Brazil Along the Rio Negro between… 2247338 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. R. Buck 2674 08 Aug 1979 Brazil Along road (U.H.E. de Balbina)… 2247339 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. G. T. Prance 15400 18 Oct 1971 Brazil Amazonas Basin of Rio Negro. North… 2247343 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. B. M. Boom 816 29 Apr 1981 Brazil Bahia Una Mun. Maruim, border of… 2247346 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. S. A. Mori 17249 06 Dec 1984 Brazil Amapá Oiapoque Mun. BR 156, 109… 2247331 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. R. Buck 1762 06 Nov 1977 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Mun. Reserva Biologica de… 2247329 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. S. A. Mori 17182 04 Dec 1984 Brazil Amapá Oiapoque Mun. BR 165, 109… 2247333 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. S. A. Mori 17292 08 Dec 1984 Brazil Amapá Calçoene Mun. BR 156, 12… 2247330 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. P. K. H. Dusén s.n. 20 Jul 1914 Brazil Icarehy 2247312 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. P. K. H. Dusén s.n. 04 Jun 1909 Brazil Monte Alegre 2247313 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. P. K. H. Dusén s.n. 20 Jul 1914 Brazil Tcarchy 2247314 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. G. G. Hatschbach 51479 20 Sep 1987 Brazil Paraná Antonina Mun. Reserva Biológica de… 2247344 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.
Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth. W. R. Buck 1830 16 Nov 1977 - 17 Nov 1977 Brazil Roraima BR 174, Manaus-Venezuela highway. Vicinity… 2247322 Acroporium pungens (Hedw.) Broth.