Displaying 76 - 99 out of 99 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Polysiphonia R. K. Greville s.n. 27 May 1831 United Kingdom England Tor-Abbey 02222093 Polysiphonia
Porphyra R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. without locality 02016621 Porphyra
Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) J.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. Jun 1852 United Kingdom Scotland Kinghorn 02017101 Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) J.Agardh
Ptilota plumosa C.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. 02188734 Ptilota plumosa C.Agardh
Ptilota plumosa C.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. without locality 02188752 Ptilota plumosa C.Agardh
Rhodomela lycopodioides (L.) C.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. Jun United Kingdom Scotland Kinghorn 02189390 Rhodomela lycopodioides (L.) C.Agardh
Rhodomela lycopodioides (L.) C.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. 02189377 Rhodomela lycopodioides (L.) C.Agardh
Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (J.V.Lamour.) P.C.Silva R. K. Greville s.n. 1832 United Kingdom England Devon Admin. Co. Devonshire 02258797 Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (J.V.Lamour.) P.C.Silva
Rytiphlaea pinastroides (Stackh.) C.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. United Kingdom Scotland 02258917 Rytiphlaea pinastroides (Stackh.) C.Agardh
Sematophyllum adnatum (Michx.) E.Britton R. K. Greville 1843 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo. 698290
Sistotrema quercina Pers. [ined.] R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. United Kingdom Scotland 01944077 Sistotrema quercina Pers. [ined.]
Sparganium angustifolium Michx. R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. [Location unspecified; filed at NY… 3707282 Sparganium angustifolium Michx.
Sphaerococcus griffithsiae (Turner) C.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. 02266849 Sphaerococcus griffithsiae (Turner) C.Agardh
Sphenolobus saxicola (Schrad.) Steph. R. K. Greville s.n. 1843 Canada Moon Factory 96294
Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) Harv. R. K. Greville s.n. Apr United Kingdom England Sidmouth 02267276 Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) Harv.
Stilophora rhizodes (C.Agardh) J.Agardh R. K. Greville s.n. 28 Aug 1839 without locality 02274668 Stilophora rhizodes (C.Agardh) J.Agardh
Tephromela atra (Huds.) Hafellner R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. United Kingdom Scotland Edinburgh 04670278 Tephromela atra (Huds.) Hafellner
Tilopteris mertensii (W.B.Turner) Kütz. R. K. Greville s.n. 1832 United Kingdom Scotland Kinghorn, Firth of Forth 02283260 Tilopteris mertensii (W.B.Turner) Kütz.
Tremolecia atrata (Ach.) Hertel R. K. Greville 73645 s.d. United Kingdom Scotland 04255575 Tremolecia atrata (Ach.) Hertel
Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Mart. R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. without locality 02111689 Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Mart.
Ulva R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. 02138282 Ulva
Ulva R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. United Kingdom Scotland Bute 02138330 Ulva
Ulva R. K. Greville s.n. 14 Jul 1863 02138319 Ulva
Viola palustris var. palustris R. K. Greville s.n. s.d. [Possibly 1830s] [Locality not provided with this… 3576056