Displaying 1 - 25 out of 578 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Polygala tenuis DC. R. Goodland 398 01 May 1966 Brazil 222.7 km N of Sao… 784408 Polygala tenuis DC.
Syagrus loefgrenii Glassman R. Goodland 900 1967-1968 Brazil Minas Gerais Triángulo region. 00664158 Syagrus loefgrenii Glassman
Centratherum punctatum Cass. subsp. punctatum R. Goodland 859 21 Sep 1963 Guyana Rupununi. Rupununi Northern Savanna. Jawari… 784708
Otachyrium versicolor (Döll) Henrard R. Goodland 934 07 Oct 1963 Guyana Rupununi. Aranapunta Basin, ANNRI 651823
Aeschynomene histrix var. incana (Vogel) Benth. R. Goodland 202 25 Jul 1963-26 Jul 1963 Guyana Rupununi. British Guiana. Rupununi Northern… 451899
Angelonia gardneri Hook. R. Goodland 574 30 Aug 1963 Guyana Rupununi. Rupununi Northern Savanna. Stand… 499131
Stryphnodendron obovatum Benth. R. Goodland 394 May 1966 Brazil São Paulo 22.7km N of Sao Paulo… 459591 Stryphnodendron obovatum Benth.
Bulbostylis amambayensis Barros R. Goodland 385 20 May 1966 Brazil São Paulo 222 km N of Sao… 500695 Bulbostylis amambayensis Barros
Bulbostylis amambayensis Barros R. Goodland 385 20 May 1966 Brazil São Paulo 222 km N of Sao… 568566 Bulbostylis amambayensis Barros
Ocotea montana (Meisn.) Mez R. Goodland 819 1967-1968 Brazil Minas Gerais Triángulo region 538036 Ocotea montana (Meisn.) Mez
Pterodon emarginatus Vogel R. Goodland 410 1966 Brazil São Paulo 280 km N of Sao… 605602 Pterodon emarginatus Vogel
Bulbostylis R. Goodland 353 19 May 1966 Brazil São Paulo 5 km E of main… 500693 Bulbostylis
Bulbostylis sphaerocephala (Boeckeler) C.B.Clarke R. Goodland 363 18 May 1966 Brazil São Paulo N of Porto Ferrava, N… 500694 Bulbostylis sphaerocephala (Boeckeler) C.B.Clarke
Aristida longifolia Trin. R. Goodland 838 20 Sep 1963 Guyana Rupununi. Stand 27. Between Naja… 627768
Anemia raddiana Link R. Goodland 404 1966 Brazil 242.2km N of Sao Paulo,… 807505 Anemia raddiana Link
Adiantum ornithopodum C.Presl R. Goodland 264a 30/XI/65 Brazil Minas Gerais Melo, 3 km N., of… 811880 Adiantum ornithopodum C.Presl
Polypodium latipes Langsd. & Fisch. R. Goodland 362 18 May 1966 Brazil São Paulo N of Porto Ferreira, N… 814543 Polypodium latipes Langsd. & Fisch.
Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth R. Goodland 16 18 Sep 1965 Brazil São Paulo Emas. 686805 Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth
Solanum subinerme Jacq. R. Goodland 721 14 Sep 1963 Guyana Demerara-Mahaica Along Soesdyke-Linden Hwy from Timehri… 00712654
Solanum asperum Rich. R. Goodland 722 14 Sep 1963 Guyana Rupununi Northern Savanna. Granite Hill,… 00723365
Pavonia rosa-campestris A.St.-Hil. R. Goodland 496 08 Jul 1966 Brazil Mato Grosso 5km W of S. R.… 818478 Pavonia rosa-campestris A.St.-Hil.
Couepia grandiflora (Mart. & Zucc.) Benth. ex Hook.f. R. Goodland 894 1967 - 1968 Brazil Minas Gerais Triángulo region 00750214
Chresta sphaerocephala DC. R. Goodland 928 1967 - 1968 Brazil Minas Gerais Triángulo region. 854831 Chresta sphaerocephala DC.
Chaptalia integerrima (Vell.) Burkart R. Goodland 737 1967 - 1968 Brazil Minas Gerais Triángulo region. 854906 Chaptalia integerrima (Vell.) Burkart
Polygala monosperma A.W.Benn. R. Goodland 871 1967 - 1968 Brazil Minas Gerais Triangulo region. 00856720 Polygala monosperma A.W.Benn.