Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Amphiroa anceps (Lam.) M.J.Decne. W. Palmer | O. Bryant 1311 20 Nov 1909 Indonesia Java. Kaladjitan, Bantam province 02142350 Amphiroa anceps (Lam.) M.J.Decne.
Galaxaura fasciculata Kjellm. W. Palmer | O. Bryant 1317 09 Dec 1909 Indonesia Java, Vicinity of Welkomst Bay,… 02180775 Galaxaura fasciculata Kjellm.
Halimeda macroloba M.J.Decne. W. Palmer | O. Bryant 1312 27 Nov 1909 Indonesia Vicinity of Welkomst Bay, Bantam… 02132141 Halimeda macroloba M.J.Decne.
Halimeda opuntia (L.) J.V.Lamour. W. Palmer | O. Bryant 1316 09 Dec 1909 Indonesia Java, Vicinity of Welkomst Bay,… 02132423 Halimeda opuntia (L.) J.V.Lamour.
Trentepohlia arborum (C.Agardh) Har. W. Palmer | O. Bryant 1331 25 Jan 1910 Indonesia Jawa Barat Java. Preanger. Vicinity of Sindanglaia,… 02138080 Trentepohlia arborum (C.Agardh) Har.