Displaying 26 - 50 out of 115 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Tolypella intertexta Allen A. T. Hotchkiss 206 05 Sep 1946 United States of America New York Jefferson Co. Lake Ontario, Henderson… 01474971 Tolypella intertexta Allen
Chara braunii C.C.Gmel. A. T. Hotchkiss 208 06 Sep 1946 United States of America New York Jefferson Co. Lake Ontario, Henderson… 02011747 Chara braunii C.C.Gmel.
Chara vulgaris L. A. T. Hotchkiss 210 06 Sep 1946 United States of America New York Jefferson Co. Lake Ontario, Henderson… 02019739 Chara vulgaris L.
Asterocytis ornata (C.Agardh) Hamel A. T. Hotchkiss 223 1949 United States of America New York Genesee Co. Bergen Swamp 03558449 Asterocytis ornata (C.Agardh) Hamel
Asterocytis ornata (C.Agardh) Hamel A. T. Hotchkiss 224 1949 United States of America New York Genesee Co. Bergen Swamp 03558446 Asterocytis ornata (C.Agardh) Hamel
Chara vulgaris L. A. T. Hotchkiss 601 1957 United States of America Kentucky Meade Co. Fort Knox 02286238
Chara sejuncta A.Braun A. T. Hotchkiss 602 Oct 1956 United States of America Kentucky Meade Co. Otter Creek Park 02286366
Nitella greenii (R.D.Wood) R.D.Wood A. T. Hotchkiss 602 A Oct 1956 United States of America Kentucky Meade Co. small pond south… 02021717 Nitella greenii (R.D.Wood) R.D.Wood
Nitella acuminata var. subglomerata (A.Braun) Allen A. T. Hotchkiss 602 A Oct 1956 United States of America Kentucky Meade Co. small pond south… 02286038
Nitella microcarpa subsp. megacarpa A. T. Hotchkiss 622 24 Aug 1957 Canada Quebec few hundred yards above Masson… 02285694
Nitella opaca (C.Agardh ex Bruzelius) C.Agardh A. T. Hotchkiss 642 14 May 1960 United States of America Indiana Wayne Co. near Richmond 02285589
Phyllotopsis nidulans (Pers.:Fr.) Singer A. T. Hotchkiss 1392 11 Apr 1947 United States of America New York Genesee Co. Bergen Swamp 2769125 Phyllotopsis nidulans (Pers.:Fr.) Singer
Stellaria holostea L. A. T. Hotchkiss 22298 18 May 1949 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. along Six Mile… 3327195 Stellaria holostea L.
Lentinus tigrinus (Bull.:Fr.) Fr. A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. 05 Jun 1948 United States of America New York Genesee Co. Bergen Swamp 1954958 Lentinus tigrinus (Bull.:Fr.) Fr.
Cenangium furfuraceum (Roth) De Not. A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. 11 Apr 1947 United States of America New York Genesee Co. 3417767 Cenangium furfuraceum (Roth) De Not.
Chara australis var. estipulata A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. Feb 1953 Australia New South Wales Cooma 02195806
Peziza vesiculosa Bull. A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. 23 Apr 1949 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. Stewart Park, Ithaca. 3638627 Peziza vesiculosa Bull.
Sarcoscypha coccinea Sacc. A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. 26 Apr 1949 United States of America New York Genesee Co. Bergen Swamp. 3641403 Sarcoscypha coccinea Sacc.
Pseudoplectania nigrella (Pers.) Fuckel A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. 26 Apr 1949 United States of America New York Genesee Co. Bergen Swamp. 3641318 Pseudoplectania nigrella (Pers.) Fuckel
Nectria cinnabarina (Tode:Fr.) Fr. A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. 11 Apr 1947 United States of America New York Genesee Co. Bergen Swamp 2947167 Nectria cinnabarina (Tode:Fr.) Fr.
Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd. A. T. Hotchkiss X-010 1960 United States of America Kentucky Meade Co. Sinkhole Bog near… 02020323 Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd.
Chara longifolia C.B.Rob. A. T. Hotchkiss X-125 14 Jun 1966 United States of America New Mexico Chaves Co. 02018993 Chara longifolia C.B.Rob.
Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd. A. T. Hotchkiss X-251 05 Nov 1968 Australia Northern Territory north of West Baines River… 02020411 Chara zeylanica Klein ex Willd.
Nitella macounii (Allen) Allen A. T. Hotchkiss 1965 Lake St. Clair 02285682
Chara globularis Thuill. A. T. Hotchkiss | D. E. Hotchkiss 603 25 May 1957 United States of America Kentucky Nelson Co. small lower lake,… 02017957 Chara globularis Thuill.