Displaying 1 - 50 out of 87 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Touwia laticostata Ochyra M. M. J. van Balgooy 1531 4-8-71 Australia Queensland Belenden Ker, E. slope. isotype 01273948 Touwia laticostata Ochyra
Radula M. M. J. van Balgooy 1583c 09 Aug 1971 Australia Queensland Tinaroo Ra, Mt Haig. 4685451 Radula
Riccardia M. M. J. van Balgooy 1582B 08 Sep 1971 Australia Queensland Tinaroo Ra, Mt. Haig. 1777250 Riccardia
Riccardia M. M. J. van Balgooy 1478A 08 Mar 1971 Australia Queensland Belenden Ker, S. Peak, E… 1777251 Riccardia
Radula M. M. J. van Balgooy 1584 09 Aug 1971 Australia Queensland Tinaroo Ra, Mt Haig. 4468002 Radula
Dicranoloma dicarpum (Nees) Paris M. M. J. van Balgooy 1130 26 Jul 1965 Australia New South Wales Lord Howe Island. summit of… 01232961
Dawsonia longifolia (Bruch & Schimp.) Zanten M. M. J. van Balgooy 3219 08 May 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Mt. Roroka Timbu, W slope 01230550
Mitthyridium fasciculatum (Hook. & Grev.) H.Rob. M. M. J. van Balgooy 6796A 02 Nov 1994 Indonesia Aru Isl., Pulau Baun. 01232206
Mitthyridium repens (Harv.) H.Rob. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3853A 03 Aug 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, near Nickel Plant… 01232207
Orthomnion dilatatum (Wilson ex Mitt.) P.C.Chen M. M. J. van Balgooy 3126F 03 May 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Sopu Valley, ca. 80 km… 01232212
Pseudobarbella ancistrodes (Renauld & Cardot) Manuel M. M. J. van Balgooy 3048C 27 Apr 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Sopu Valley, ca. 80 km… 01232253
Floribundaria floribunda (Dozy & Molk.) M.Fleisch. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3623 04 Jun 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Wera Waterfall, near Parampadende, c.… 01232979
Floribundaria floribunda (Dozy & Molk.) M.Fleisch. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3666 12 Jun 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, Lake Matano south… 01232980
Himantocladium cyclophyllum (Müll.Hal.) M.Fleisch. M. M. J. van Balgooy 5003 05 Dec 1984 Indonesia NW Buru, S of Bara,… 01233005
Racopilum spectabile Reinw. & Hornsch. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3920 07 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, Soroako-Wasuponda Road, Km… 01233045
Syrrhopodon involutus Schwägr. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3953 10 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, between Soroako and… 01233097
Thuidium pristocalyx var. samoanum (Mitt.) Touw M. M. J. van Balgooy 5019 05 Dec 1984 Indonesia NW Buru, S of Bara,… 01233411
Trachyloma indicum Mitt. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3359A 15 May 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Mt. Roroka Timbu, summit 01233412
Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3967 11 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, behind Inco Driving… 01233449
Leucophanes candidum (Schwägr.) Lindb. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3747 15 Jun 1979 Indonesia Celebes. Nuha Potingkua, islet in… 01233488
Leucophanes candidum (Schwägr.) Lindb. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4014 14 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, 3-5 km W… 01233489
Leucophanes candidum (Schwägr.) Lindb. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4015 14 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, 3-5 km W… 01233490
Leucophanes candidum (Schwägr.) Lindb. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4016A 14 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, 3-5 km W… 01233491
Garovaglia elegans (Dozy & Molk.) Hampe ex Bosch & Sande Lac. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2871A 09 Jun 1980 Indonesia Jawa Barat Nirmala Estate, Gunung Halimun area 01233001
Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4059A 18 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, between Soroako and… 01233026 Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk.
Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4080 19 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, Batu Besi, between… 01233027 Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk.
Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4081A 19 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, Batu Besi, between… 01233028 Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk.
Leucobryum bowringii Mitt. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3357 15 May 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Mt. Roroka Timbu, summit 01233038 Leucobryum bowringii Mitt.
Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4078A 19 Jul 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, Batu Besi, between… 01233450 Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt.
Leucobryum sanctum (Brid.) Hampe M. M. J. van Balgooy 6663A 25 Oct 1994 Indonesia Aru Island, Palua Trangan, W… 01233461 Leucobryum sanctum (Brid.) Hampe
Trismegistia calderensis var. rigida (Reinw. & Hornsch.) H.Akiyama M. M. J. van Balgooy 3477 23 May 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Danau Tambing 01233428 Trismegistia calderensis var. rigida (Reinw. & Hornsch.) H.Akiyama
Trismegistia lancifolia (Harv. ex Hook.) Broth. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3655 09 Jun 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, Soroako-Wasuponda Road, Km… 01233434 Trismegistia lancifolia (Harv. ex Hook.) Broth.
Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume M. M. J. van Balgooy 2411 09 Apr 1975 Malaysia P. Penang, along road to… 03919037 Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume
Plagiomnium rhynchophorum (Harv.) T.J.Kop. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2653A 20 Jun 1975 Malaysia Pahang Cameron Highl., near Kp, Roja 01232233
Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2055 25 Aug 1974 Malaysia Pahang Fraser's Hill 01232240
Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2691 21 Jun 1975 Malaysia Pahang Cameron Highl., Jalan Kamunting, Tanah… 01232241
Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2686 21 Jun 1975 Malaysia Pahang Cameron Highl., Jalan Kamunting, Tanah… 01232243
Pyrrhobryum latifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2521A 23 Apr 1975 Malaysia Pahang Taman Negara, Lata Berkoh, Sungei… 01232256
Aerobryopsis longissima (Dozy & Molk.) M.Fleisch. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2699B 29 Jun 1975 Malaysia Selangor Bukit Takun, Templer Park 01232279
Appendicula Blume M. M. J. van Balgooy 2180 10.11.1974 Malaysia Fraser's Hill 03997666 Appendicula Blume
Lithocarpus elegans (Blume) Hatus. ex Soepadmo M. M. J. van Balgooy 2424 16 Apr 1975 Malaysia Pahang Taman Negara, Kuala Tahan 4361230 Lithocarpus elegans (Blume) Hatus. ex Soepadmo
Nitella C.Agardh M. M. J. van Balgooy 2354 22 Feb 1975 Malaysia Pulau Langgun, Langkawi Archipelago 01192454 Nitella C.Agardh
Aglaonema costatum N.E.Br. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2351 22 Feb 1975 Malaysia P. Langgun, Langkawi 03773896 Aglaonema costatum N.E.Br.
Antidesma tomentosum Blume M. M. J. van Balgooy 2437 17 Apr 1975 Malaysia Taman Negara, Pahang, plot 1… 3931694 Antidesma tomentosum Blume
Fahrenheitia pendula (Hassk.) Airy Shaw M. M. J. van Balgooy 2476 21 Apr 1975 Malaysia Taman Negara, Pahang. Trail from… 04062483 Fahrenheitia pendula (Hassk.) Airy Shaw
Coelogyne kaliana P.J.Cribb M. M. J. van Balgooy 2053 21 Aug 1974 Malaysia Pahang Ulu Kali 04027418 Coelogyne kaliana P.J.Cribb
Eria M. M. J. van Balgooy 2659 20 Jun 1975 Malaysia Pahang Cameron Highlands (District). Summit of… 04088010 Eria
Agrostistachys gaudichaudii (Baill.) Müll.Arg. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2545 27 Apr 1975 Malaysia Pahang Taman Negara. Track from Kenyam… 3926263 Agrostistachys gaudichaudii (Baill.) Müll.Arg.
Unspecified M. M. J. van Balgooy 2130 05 Oct 1974 Malaysia Selangor Gombak F.R., off Mile 22 03263540 Unspecified
Unspecified M. M. J. van Balgooy 2573 29 Apr 1975 Malaysia Pahang Taman Negara, Along track from… 03263537 Unspecified