Displaying 1 - 25 out of 87 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Macromitrium macrosporum Broth. M. M. J. van Balgooy 912B 29 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, summit area, head… 03719135
Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume M. M. J. van Balgooy 2411 09 Apr 1975 Malaysia P. Penang, along road to… 03919037 Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume
Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn. M. M. J. van Balgooy 4127 23 May 1982 United States of America Hawaii Oahu: Waahila Ridge, up from… 3987734 Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arn.
Bryum argenteum Hedw. M. M. J. van Balgooy 265B 08 May 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, Lake Aunde, near… 01229458
Dawsonia longifolia (Bruch & Schimp.) Zanten M. M. J. van Balgooy 3219 08 May 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Mt. Roroka Timbu, W slope 01230550
Mitthyridium fasciculatum (Hook. & Grev.) H.Rob. M. M. J. van Balgooy 6796A 02 Nov 1994 Indonesia Aru Isl., Pulau Baun. 01232206
Mitthyridium repens (Harv.) H.Rob. M. M. J. van Balgooy 3853A 03 Aug 1979 Indonesia S. Sulawesi, near Nickel Plant… 01232207
Orthomnion dilatatum (Wilson ex Mitt.) P.C.Chen M. M. J. van Balgooy 3126F 03 May 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Sopu Valley, ca. 80 km… 01232212
Philonotis vescoana (Besch.) Paris M. M. J. van Balgooy 705A 16 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, Penggagl Creek 01232219
Philonotis vescoana (Besch.) Paris M. M. J. van Balgooy 910A 29 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, summit area, NW… 01232222
Plagiomnium cordatum T.J.Kop. & D.H.Norris M. M. J. van Balgooy 576 07 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, Kombugomambuno, Pindunde valley 01232227
Plagiomnium cordatum T.J.Kop. & D.H.Norris M. M. J. van Balgooy 712A 17 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, rocky islet in… 01232228
Plagiomnium cordatum T.J.Kop. & D.H.Norris M. M. J. van Balgooy 330B 14 May 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, NE of Lake… 01232231
Plagiomnium rhynchophorum (Harv.) T.J.Kop. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2653A 20 Jun 1975 Malaysia Pahang Cameron Highl., near Kp, Roja 01232233
Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2055 25 Aug 1974 Malaysia Pahang Fraser's Hill 01232240
Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2691 21 Jun 1975 Malaysia Pahang Cameron Highl., Jalan Kamunting, Tanah… 01232241
Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & Molk. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2686 21 Jun 1975 Malaysia Pahang Cameron Highl., Jalan Kamunting, Tanah… 01232243
Pogonatum urnigerum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. M. M. J. van Balgooy 906A 29 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, summit area, crest… 01232246
Pseudobarbella ancistrodes (Renauld & Cardot) Manuel M. M. J. van Balgooy 3048C 27 Apr 1979 Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Sopu Valley, ca. 80 km… 01232253
Pyrrhobryum latifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2521A 23 Apr 1975 Malaysia Pahang Taman Negara, Lata Berkoh, Sungei… 01232256
Aerobryopsis longissima (Dozy & Molk.) M.Fleisch. M. M. J. van Balgooy 2699B 29 Jun 1975 Malaysia Selangor Bukit Takun, Templer Park 01232279
Bryum perdecurrens E.B.Bartram M. M. J. van Balgooy 765D 20 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, W of Lake… 01232313
Bryum pseudoblandum T.J.Kop. & D.H.Norris M. M. J. van Balgooy 917A 29 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, head of Bende… 01232314
Bryum pseudoblandum T.J.Kop. & D.H.Norris M. M. J. van Balgooy 857C 24 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, near Lake Guraguragukl 01232315
Bryum pseudoblandum T.J.Kop. & D.H.Norris M. M. J. van Balgooy 857G 24 Jun 1965 Papua New Guinea Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm, near Lake Guraguragukl 01232316