Displaying 51 - 75 out of 997 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Pluteus admirabilis (Peck) Peck M. B. Knauz 406 s.d. United States of America Pennsylvania Somerset Co. 3 mi. W… 3027311 Pluteus admirabilis (Peck) Peck
Pluteus admirabilis (Peck) Peck M. B. Knauz 409 22 Apr 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Butler Co. Todd's Santuary 03027339 Pluteus admirabilis (Peck) Peck
Nolanea delicatula Peck M. B. Knauz 420 28 Dec 1954 United States of America Pennsylvania Beaver Co. Raccoon Creek -… 02765131 Nolanea delicatula Peck
Entoloma rhodopolium M. B. Knauz 427 25 Aug 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Beaver Co. Raccoon Ck. Park 1965151 Entoloma rhodopolium
Laccaria ochropurpurea (Berk.) Peck M. B. Knauz 10229 26 Aug 1934 United States of America Pennsylvania Westmoreland Co. Forbes Forest, 2… 1955248 Laccaria ochropurpurea (Berk.) Peck
Panellus serotinus (Pers.:Fr.) Kühner M. B. Knauz 10677 03 Nov 1935 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. Scrub Grass Creek,… 2770226 Panellus serotinus (Pers.:Fr.) Kühner
Stereum gausapatum (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 10677 28 Sep 1935 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. Frick Park. 1996474 Stereum gausapatum (Fr.:Fr.) Fr.
Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke M. B. Knauz 10677 01 Sep 1935 United States of America Pennsylvania Westmoreland Co. Nawahon Lodge, Forbes… 1955664 Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke
Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke M. B. Knauz 10677 29 Sep 1935 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. North Park. 1955673 Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke
Scleroderma citrinum Pers. M. B. Knauz 10677 03 Nov 1935 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. 1 mi N… 02761926 Scleroderma citrinum Pers.
Psathyrella velutina (Pers.) Singer M. B. Knauz 11145 19 Sep 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. "Little House" grounds,… 587637
Psathyrella cernua (Vahl) M.M.Moser M. B. Knauz 11148 17 Sep 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. Riverview Park, N.S.… 619304
Schizophyllum commune Fr. M. B. Knauz 11148 14 Jul 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. Campus of State… 1985116 Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Stereum gausapatum (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 11148 25 Oct 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. Frick Park. 1995543 Stereum gausapatum (Fr.:Fr.) Fr.
Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke M. B. Knauz 11148 05 Sep 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Mercer Co. Sheakleyville. 1939881 Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke
Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke M. B. Knauz 11148 19 Aug 1936 United States of America Tennessee Alum Cave Trail to Mt.… 1939919 Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke
Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke M. B. Knauz 11148 02 Aug 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Huntingdon Co. Alan Seeger. S… 1955115 Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.) Cooke
Laccaria ochropurpurea (Berk.) Peck M. B. Knauz 11148 01 Sep 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. Ingomar Woods. 1955207 Laccaria ochropurpurea (Berk.) Peck
Laccaria ochropurpurea (Berk.) Peck M. B. Knauz 11148 03 Oct 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Somerset Co. Wagner's woods, near… 1955261 Laccaria ochropurpurea (Berk.) Peck
Scleroderma citrinum Pers. M. B. Knauz 11148 08 Nov 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. Little Scrubgrass Creek,… 02761946 Scleroderma citrinum Pers.
Lepiota acutaesquamosa (Weinm.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz 11318 11 Sep 1938 United States of America Pennsylvania Westmoreland Co. Lynn Run, Forbes… 1955948 Lepiota acutaesquamosa (Weinm.) P.Kumm.
Psathyrella incerta (Peck) A.H.Sm. M. B. Knauz 11470 18 Sep 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Westmoreland Co. Nawakiva Lodge, Forber… 573801
Psathyrella incerta (Peck) A.H.Sm. M. B. Knauz 11470 16 Jul 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. Botany Building 573813
Psathyrella hydrophila (Bull.:Fr.) Maire M. B. Knauz 11470 30 May 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Somerset Co. Woods near Burkstown 619419
Panellus stypticus (Bull.:Fr.) P.Karst. M. B. Knauz 11470 18 Sep 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Westmoreland Co. Nawakwa Lodge, Forbes… 2770344 Panellus stypticus (Bull.:Fr.) P.Karst.