Displaying 1 - 75 out of 997 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Lactarius vellereus (Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 25 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Grafton Co. Kingsford Pasture 146614
Russula sanguinea Fr. M. B. Knauz 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill 760767
Amanita citrina Pers. M. B. Knauz 27 Aug 1927 United States of America New Hampshire Grafton Co. Moose Mt. near… 66028
Suillus americanus (Peck) Snell ex Slipp & Snell M. B. Knauz 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill 27945
Chalciporus piperatus (Bull.:Fr.) Bataille M. B. Knauz 26 Aug 1937-28 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mt., near Hanover 48073
Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton:Fr.) J.Schröt. M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill. 1936605 Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton:Fr.) J.Schröt.
Cantharellus cibarius Fr. M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill, near Hanover. 1945748 Cantharellus cibarius Fr.
Oligoporus caesius (Schrad.:Fr.) Gilb. & Ryvarden M. B. Knauz s.n. 8/26-28/37 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill, near Hanover 01974260 Oligoporus caesius (Schrad.:Fr.) Gilb. & Ryvarden
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Karst. M. B. Knauz s.n. 27 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mountain near Hanover 1949545 Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Karst.
Gomphus floccosus (Schwein.) Singer M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill. 1992723 Gomphus floccosus (Schwein.) Singer
Clitocybe odora (Fr.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 8/27/37 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mountain near Hanover 1940620 Clitocybe odora (Fr.) P.Kumm.
Crinipellis zonata (Peck) Sacc. M. B. Knauz s.n. 8/28/37 United States of America New Hampshire Grafton Co. Balch Hill, near… 1956768 Crinipellis zonata (Peck) Sacc.
Inocybe calamistrata (Fr.) Gillet M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Grafton Co. Balch Hill 1939313 Inocybe calamistrata (Fr.) Gillet
Inocybe fastigiella G.F.Atk. M. B. Knauz s.n. 25 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Kingsford's pasture near Hanover 1939458 Inocybe fastigiella G.F.Atk.
Lepiota cristata (Bolton:Fr.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 8/26-28/37 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mountain near Hanover 2754338 Lepiota cristata (Bolton:Fr.) P.Kumm.
Marasmius delectans Morgan M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill 02756691 Marasmius delectans Morgan
Mycena leaiana (Berk.) Sacc. M. B. Knauz s.n. 27 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mt., near Hanover 2763695 Mycena leaiana (Berk.) Sacc.
Mycena pura (Pers.:Fr.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill 2763883 Mycena pura (Pers.:Fr.) P.Kumm.
Inonotus glomeratus (Peck) Murrill M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Spencer Hill 3025049 Inonotus glomeratus (Peck) Murrill
Spathularia flavida Fr. M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill 02968648 Spathularia flavida Fr.
Hypoxylon fragiforme (Pers.) J.Kickx f. M. B. Knauz 11470 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Spencer Hill 3390564 Hypoxylon fragiforme (Pers.) J.Kickx f.
Clitocybe ectypoides (Peck) Sacc. M. B. Knauz s.n. 20 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Spencer Hill. 1973447 Clitocybe ectypoides (Peck) Sacc.
Clitocybe odora (Fr.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 27 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mt., near Hanover. 1940619 Clitocybe odora (Fr.) P.Kumm.
Gymnopus confluens (Pers.:Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. M. B. Knauz s.n. 25 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Kingsford's Pasture, near Hanover. 1950038 Gymnopus confluens (Pers.:Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel.
Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.:Fr.) Murrill M. B. Knauz s.n. 8/25/37 United States of America New Hampshire Kingsford's Pasture, near Hanover. 1950283 Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.:Fr.) Murrill
Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.:Fr.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 8/26/37 United States of America New Hampshire Spencer Hill. 1962492 Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.:Fr.) P.Kumm.
Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.:Fr.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 27 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mt., near Hanover. 1962493 Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.:Fr.) P.Kumm.
Megacollybia platyphylla (Pers.:Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Spencer Hill. 2757719 Megacollybia platyphylla (Pers.:Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar
Sphaerobolus stellatus Tode:Pers. M. B. Knauz s.n. 8/27 United States of America New Hampshire Bottomless Pit. 2762768 Sphaerobolus stellatus Tode:Pers.
Panaeolus retirugis (Fr.) Gillet M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Balch Hill, near Hanover. 02765859 Panaeolus retirugis (Fr.) Gillet
Psilocybe (Fr.) Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 - 28 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire Moose Mt., near Hanover 01797041 Psilocybe (Fr.) Kumm.
Leotia marcida Pers. M. B. Knauz s.n. 26 Aug 1937 United States of America New Hampshire 02968936 Leotia marcida Pers.
Hygrocybe flavescens (Kauffman) Singer M. B. Knauz 17838 10 Sep 1977 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Near Berlin. 1962012 Hygrocybe flavescens (Kauffman) Singer
Panaeolus antillarum (Fr.) Dennis M. B. Knauz 12789 20 Oct 1941 United States of America Ohio Columbiana Co. Near Salineville 838958
Lentinus strigosus Schwein.:Fr. M. B. Knauz s.n. 11 Jun 1939 United States of America Ohio Near Monroeville 1928941 Lentinus strigosus Schwein.:Fr.
Lentinus strigosus Schwein.:Fr. M. B. Knauz s.n. 20 Oct 1944 United States of America Ohio near Saline[s]ville 1954019 Lentinus strigosus Schwein.:Fr.
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Karst. M. B. Knauz s.n. 20 Oct 1941 United States of America Ohio near Saline[s]ville 1949383 Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Karst.
Agrocybe semiorbicularis (Bull.:Fr.) Fayod M. B. Knauz s.n. 30 Jun 1940 United States of America Ohio 5 mi. NW of Irondale 1997170 Agrocybe semiorbicularis (Bull.:Fr.) Fayod
Clitocybe catinus (Fr.) Quél. M. B. Knauz 12789 20 Oct 1941 United States of America Ohio near Salinesville 1940257 Clitocybe catinus (Fr.) Quél.
Gymnopus subnudus (Ellis ex Peck) Halling M. B. Knauz s.n. 6/11/39 United States of America Ohio Near Monroeville 1950653 Gymnopus subnudus (Ellis ex Peck) Halling
Leucoagaricus americanus (Peck) Vellinga M. B. Knauz s.n. 20 Oct 1941 United States of America Ohio Columbiana Co. Near Salineville 2754652 Leucoagaricus americanus (Peck) Vellinga
Stropharia semiglobata (Batsch) Quél. M. B. Knauz s.n. 22 Jun 1936 United States of America Ohio near Hammondsville 02766795 Stropharia semiglobata (Batsch) Quél.
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Kumm. M. B. Knauz s.n. 20 Oct 1941 United States of America Ohio Near Salineville 2769478 Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Kumm.
Megacollybia platyphylla (Pers.:Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar M. B. Knauz s.n. 21 Jun 1936 United States of America Ohio Farm woodlot, near Hammondsville. 2757684 Megacollybia platyphylla (Pers.:Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar
Amanita flavorubescens G.F.Atk. M. B. Knauz 12512 30 Jun 1940 United States of America Ohio Jefferson Co. 5 mi. N.… 27848 Amanita flavorubescens G.F.Atk.
Psathyrella hydrophila (Bull.) Maire M. B. Knauz 12118 23 Sep 1939 United States of America Pennsylvania Armstrong Co. Across Big Buffalo… 573773
Psathyrella hydrophila (Bull.) Maire M. B. Knauz 11818 01 Oct 1938 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. Squaw Run 573785
Strobilomyces floccopus (Vahl:Fr.) P.Karst. M. B. Knauz 06 Aug 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Forest Co. Western part of… 27215
Strobilomyces floccopus (Vahl:Fr.) P.Karst. M. B. Knauz 20 Aug 1939 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. Frick Park 27248
Strobilomyces floccopus (Vahl:Fr.) P.Karst. M. B. Knauz 06 Sep 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. North Park 27253
Strobilomyces floccopus (Vahl:Fr.) P.Karst. M. B. Knauz 12 Aug 1939 United States of America Pennsylvania Armstrong Co. Along Big Buffalo… 27389
Gyrodon merulioides (Schwein.) Singer M. B. Knauz 09 Sep 1944 United States of America Pennsylvania Butler Co. 48246
Gyrodon merulioides (Schwein.) Singer M. B. Knauz 05 Sep 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Mercer Co. Near Sheckleyville [=Sheakleyville]. 48221
Boletus chrysenteron Bull. M. B. Knauz 06 Aug 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. Near Emlenton 36279
Boletus chrysenteron Bull. M. B. Knauz 24 Jul 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. State College Campus 36215
Boletus chrysenteron Bull. M. B. Knauz 14 Sep 1940 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. 3 miles N… 36217
Boletus chrysenteron Bull. M. B. Knauz 18 Jul 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. State College Botany… 36219
Boletus chrysenteron Bull. M. B. Knauz 06 Sep 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. North Park, Pkg. 46724
Boletus chrysenteron Bull. M. B. Knauz 23 Jul 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. Whipple Dam, SE… 46741
Lactarius deceptivus Peck M. B. Knauz 03 Jul 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. Mineral Springs Park,… 94852
Lactarius deceptivus Peck M. B. Knauz 31 Jul 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. Shingletown Gap 94853
Lactarius deceptivus Peck M. B. Knauz 18 Sep 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Westmoreland Co. Nawakwa Lodge, Forbes… 94854
Lactarius deceptivus Peck M. B. Knauz 10 Jul 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. Near State College 94855
Lactarius deceptivus Peck M. B. Knauz 02 Aug 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Huntingdon Co. Alan Seeger region… 94856
Boletus subtomentosus L.:Fr. M. B. Knauz s.n. 21 Jul 1940 United States of America Pennsylvania Westmoreland Co. Lynn Run Valley… 13727
Boletus subtomentosus L.:Fr. M. B. Knauz s.n. 14 Sep 1940 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. 3.0 miles N… 13747
Psathyrella velutina (Pers.) Singer M. B. Knauz 11145 19 Sep 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Allegheny Co. "Little House" grounds,… 587637
Lactarius fuliginosus (Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 06 Aug 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Venango Co. Oak woods near… 170578
Lactarius fuliginosus (Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 12 Aug 1939 United States of America Pennsylvania Armstrong Co. Woods along Big… 170577
Lactarius fuliginosus (Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 31 Jul 1937 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. Poe Valley 170579
Lactarius fuliginosus (Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 01 Aug 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Centre Co. Black Mashanock River… 97654
Lactarius torminosus (Schaeff.:Fr.) Gray M. B. Knauz 05 Sep 1936 United States of America Pennsylvania Mercer Co. 146221
Lactarius insulsus (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 06 Aug 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Forest Co. Western part of… 107160
Lactarius vellereus (Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 29 Sep 1940 United States of America Pennsylvania Bedford Co. 146532
Lactarius vellereus (Fr.) Fr. M. B. Knauz 06 Aug 1942 United States of America Pennsylvania Forest Co. Western part of… 146535