Displaying 101 - 125 out of 217 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Entodon abbreviatus (Schimp. ex Besch.) A.Jaeger L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico 915964
Entodon hampeanus Müll.Hal. L. Hahn s.n. 1867 Mexico Im Magdalenenthal 936168
Rhynchostegium obtusifolium Besch. ex Cardot L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico Near Mexico syntype 936282 Rhynchostegium obtusifolium Besch. ex Cardot
Entodon aurescens Hampe L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico [?] im Magdalenenthal bai Mexico 936315
Entodon subsecundus (Schimp.) A.Jaeger L. Hahn s.n. 1968 Mexico Magdalenen? See location note. 936437
Entodon subsecundus (Schimp.) A.Jaeger L. Hahn s.n. 28 May 1868 Mexico Magdalenen? See location note. 936438
Hypnum brunneo-alare Müll.Hal. L. Hahn s.n. 1869 Mexico Im Magdalenenthal bai Mexico. lectotype 944462 Hypnum brunneo-alare Müll.Hal.
Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. L. Hahn s.n. May 1868 Mexico An [?gräban] bai Mexico. See… 944480
Campylophyllum sommerfeltii (Myrin) Hedenäs L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico See location note. 944497
Barbula obtusissima Müll.Hal. L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico 598531
Bartramia intermedia Hampe L. Hahn s.n. 1867 Mexico type 599414 Bartramia intermedia Hampe
Meteorium deppei (Hornsch. ex Müll.Hal.) Mitt. L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico Magdalenenthal bai 1021012
Meteorium nigrescens (Sw. ex Hedw.) Dozy & Molk. L. Hahn s.n. 1870 Mexico im Magdalenenthal bai Mexico 1021097
Plagiochila dominicensis Taylor L. Hahn s.n. 1870 Martinique 1113141
Plagiochila dominicensis Taylor L. Hahn s.n. 1870 Martinique 1113140
Plagiochila dominicensis Taylor L. Hahn s.n. s.d. Martinique 1113142
Plagiochila tamariscina Steph. L. Hahn s.n. s.d. Martinique 1113284
Mittenothamnium reptans (Hedw.) Cardot L. Hahn s.n. 1870 Mexico Escanaba, near Orizaba 01524097
Hypnum le-jolisii Besch. L. Hahn s.n. 1869 Mexico Ajusco 1596700
Adiantopsis radiata (L.) Fée L. Hahn s.n. s.d. Martinique [no locality] 1665169 Adiantopsis radiata (L.) Fée
Pogonatum comosum (Müll.Hal.) Mitt. L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico [partly illegible] im Magdalenenthal bei… 02589139
Pogonatum cuspidatum Besch. L. Hahn s.n. 1868 Mexico vicinity of Mexico. 02589161
Racopilum tomentosum (Hedw.) Brid. L. Hahn s.n. 1870 [Illegible] Escamela bei Orizaba. 2122400 Racopilum tomentosum (Hedw.) Brid.
Campylopus pilifer Brid. L. Hahn s.n. 1866 Mexico Veracruz Xalapa Mun. 597217 Campylopus pilifer Brid.
Eurhynchium semiscabrum E.B.Bartram L. Hahn s.n. 1870 Mexico Veracruz Orizaba Mun. Escamela 901231