Displaying 1 - 25 out of 57 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Adiantum wilsonii Hook. A. Reed 28 01 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Up the Rio Grande river… 85402
Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell. A. Reed 94 20 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 85936
Ananthacorus angustifolius (Sw.) Underw. & Maxon A. Reed 19 31 Jan 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 85248
Aphelandra aurantiaca (Scheidw.) Lindl. A. Reed 23 01 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Up the Rio Grande river… 87689
Arecaceae A. Reed 83 19 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo 191334
Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson A. Reed 80 19 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Near Champon Cave 87131 Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson
Asplenium auritum Sw. A. Reed 20 31 Jan 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 85249
Begonia heracleifolia Schltdl. & Cham. A. Reed 78 19 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Near Champon Cave 86907
Begonia sericoneura Liebm. A. Reed 24 01 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Up the Rio Grande river… 86905
Calathea marantifolia Standl. A. Reed 17 30 Jan 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 195917
Calyptranthes pallens Griseb. A. Reed 93 20 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 86883
Capsicum frutescens L. A. Reed 62 11 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Lubaantun 87498
Casearia corymbosa Kunth A. Reed 74 19 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Near Champon Cave 195947
Chamaedorea A. Reed 83 s.d. Belize Toledo 2321938 Chamaedorea
Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck A. Reed 48 06 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 86425
Clusia lundellii Standl. A. Reed 54 05 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 86826
Cojoba arborea (L.) Britton & Rose var. arborea A. Reed 66 11 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Lubaantun 86095
Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz A. Reed 89 20 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 87016
Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken A. Reed 69 13 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 87193
Cupania belizensis Standl. A. Reed 67 11 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Lubaantun 86648
Dictyoxiphium panamense Hook. A. Reed 31 01 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Up the Rio Grande river… 85257
Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw. A. Reed 32 01 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo Up the Rio Grande river… 191328 Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw.
Eugenia capuli (Schltdl. & Cham.) Berg A. Reed 87 20 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 191330
Eugenia uniflora L. A. Reed 4 29 Jan 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, next to kitchen… 86866
Gurania makoyana (Lem.) Cogn. A. Reed 53 05 Feb 1990 Belize Toledo San Pedro, Belize Agroforestry Research… 87768