Displaying 76 - 100 out of 601 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cardamine paucisecta Benth. K. T. Hartweg 1646 s.d. United States of America California Monterey Co. isotype 172729 Cardamine paucisecta Benth.
Carex lemanniana Boott K. T. Hartweg 1446 s.d. Ecuador Quito ? possible type 11464 Carex lemanniana Boott
Castanopsis chrysophylla (Douglas ex Hook.) A.DC. K. T. Hartweg 1967 s.d. United States of America California possible type 214659 Castanopsis chrysophylla (Douglas ex Hook.) A.DC.
Castanopsis chrysophylla var. minor (Benth.) A.DC. K. T. Hartweg 1967 s.d. United States of America California possible type 214660 Castanopsis chrysophylla var. minor (Benth.) A.DC.
Castilleja stenantha A.Gray K. T. Hartweg 1897 s.d. United States of America Carmel isotype 68165 Castilleja stenantha A.Gray
Ceanothus prostratus Benth. K. T. Hartweg 1683 United States of America California Sacramento Co. possible type 406549 Ceanothus prostratus Benth.
Centaurium trichanthum (Griseb.) B.L.Rob. K. T. Hartweg 1831 s.d. United States of America California Sacramento 3578588 Centaurium trichanthum (Griseb.) B.L.Rob.
Centropogon cordifolius Benth. K. T. Hartweg 539 1841 Mexico In regione temperata ad Rancho… isotype 468034 Centropogon cordifolius Benth.
Centropogon cordifolius Benth. K. T. Hartweg 539 1841 Mexico In regione temperata ad Rancho… isotype 468035 Centropogon cordifolius Benth.
Centropogon oblongus Benth. K. T. Hartweg 1186 s.d. Colombia Prope Fusagasugá, prov. Bogota isotype 519418 Centropogon oblongus Benth.
Ceratostema parvifolium Benth. K. T. Hartweg 1208 Colombia holotype fragment 10999 Ceratostema parvifolium Benth.
Ceratostema salapa Benth. K. T. Hartweg 784 s.d. Ecuador Loja In montibus Loxa [= Loja]. isotype 9972 Ceratostema salapa Benth.
Cestrum laxum Benth. K. T. Hartweg 207 1839 Mexico León type 138611 Cestrum laxum Benth.
Cestrum parviflorum Dunn K. T. Hartweg 1308 s.d. Colombia Prope urbem Bogota, Suacha type 7331 Cestrum parviflorum Dunn
Cestrum stuebelii Hieron. ex Francey K. T. Hartweg 1304 s.d. Ecuador Pichincha Ad Hacienda de Chanpicruz in… syntype 335571 Cestrum stuebelii Hieron. ex Francey
Chaenactis glabriuscula var. megacephala A.Gray K. T. Hartweg s.n. s.d. United States of America California Sacramento Co. 2034320 Chaenactis glabriuscula var. megacephala A.Gray
Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth. K. T. Hartweg 1712 s.d. United States of America California possible type 418604 Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth.
Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth. K. T. Hartweg 1712 s.d. United States of America California Sacramento Co. possible type 418605 Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth.
Choristes obtusiflora Benth. K. T. Hartweg 473 1841 Mexico Oaxaca In planitie Llano Verde dicta. syntype 131083 Choristes obtusiflora Benth.
Chromolepis heterophylla Benth. K. T. Hartweg 311 s.d. Mexico isotype 163377
Clavigera scabra Benth. K. T. Hartweg 2138 s.d. Mexico [From protologue: in pascuis montanis… isotype 167570 Clavigera scabra Benth.
Clethra hartwegi Britton K. T. Hartweg 341 s.d. Mexico In regione frigida prope Bolaños holotype 232965
Clomenocoma montana Benth. K. T. Hartweg 592 s.d. Guatemala In montibus Aceytuno [= Aceituno]. isotype 167577 Clomenocoma montana Benth.
Clusia ducu Benth. K. T. Hartweg 718 s.d. Peru In montibus prope Loxa. isotype 72428 Clusia ducu Benth.
Colignonia scandens Benth. K. T. Hartweg 828 Peru isotype 342044 Colignonia scandens Benth.