Displaying 51 - 75 out of 601 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. K. T. Hartweg 203 1839 Mexico In aridis Leon. 00751101 Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.
Solanum americanum Mill. K. T. Hartweg 202 1839 Mexico Leon. 00751016 Solanum americanum Mill.
Desmodium hartwegianum Hemsl. K. T. Hartweg 56 1839 Mexico isotype 7658 Desmodium hartwegianum Hemsl.
Garrya laurifolia Hartw. K. T. Hartweg 81 1839 Mexico isotype 127793 Garrya laurifolia Hartw.
Penstemon hartwegii Benth. K. T. Hartweg 362 1839 Mexico photo of type 773077
Penstemon hartwegii Benth. K. T. Hartweg 362 1839 Mexico photo of type 773078
Convolvulus equitans Benth. K. T. Hartweg 98 1839 Mexico isotype 318910 Convolvulus equitans Benth.
Elaterium pubescens Benth. K. T. Hartweg 15 1839 Mexico possible type 172417 Elaterium pubescens Benth.
Evolvulus discolor Benth. K. T. Hartweg 20 1839 Mexico isotype 318986 Evolvulus discolor Benth.
Astrogyne crotonoides Benth. K. T. Hartweg 83 1839 Mexico isotype 246264 Astrogyne crotonoides Benth.
Lysiloma microphyllum Benth. K. T. Hartweg 72 1839 Mexico isotype 2474 Lysiloma microphyllum Benth.
Lupinus bilineatus Benth. K. T. Hartweg 60 1839 Mexico isotype 16069
Cuphea calcarata Benth. K. T. Hartweg 26 1839 Mexico type 386458 Cuphea calcarata Benth.
Ipomoea longifolia Benth. K. T. Hartweg 97 1839 Mexico possible type 319115 Ipomoea longifolia Benth.
Freziera integrifolia Benth. K. T. Hartweg 18 1839 Mexico isotype 353848 Freziera integrifolia Benth.
Ipomoea hartwegii Benth. K. T. Hartweg 96 1839 Mexico isotype 319091 Ipomoea hartwegii Benth.
Tragia nepetaefolia var. latifolia Müll.Arg. K. T. Hartweg 82 1839 Mexico syntype 273315 Tragia nepetaefolia var. latifolia Müll.Arg.
Garrya ovata Benth. K. T. Hartweg 80 1839 Mexico isotype 127792 Garrya ovata Benth.
Lythrum gracile Benth. K. T. Hartweg 27 1839 Mexico type 386579 Lythrum gracile Benth.
Pavonia hirtiflora Benth. K. T. Hartweg 23 1839 Mexico isotype 221893 Pavonia hirtiflora Benth.
Befaria mexicana Benth. K. T. Hartweg 15or 92 ? 1839 Mexico type 9801 Befaria mexicana Benth.
Acacia hartwegi Benthem K. T. Hartweg 74 1839 Mexico isotype 1475 Acacia hartwegi Benthem
Quercus alamo Benth. K. T. Hartweg 423 1839 Mexico isotype 253646 Quercus alamo Benth.
Gaudichaudia humilis Benth. K. T. Hartweg 12 1839 Mexico isotype 55649 Gaudichaudia humilis Benth.
Oenothera hartwegii Benth. K. T. Hartweg 10 1839 Mexico possible type 233632 Oenothera hartwegii Benth.