Displaying 1 - 75 out of 102 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Isoetes howellii Engelm. J. Howell s.n. Immature plant 1 Jun; mature plant 1 Aug 1880 United States of America Oregon Muddy borders of ponds near… isotype 76807 Isoetes howellii Engelm.
Isoetes howellii Engelm. J. Howell s.n. Immature plant 1 Jun; mature plant 1 Aug 1880 United States of America Oregon Muddy borders of ponds near… isotype 76832 Isoetes howellii Engelm.
Leucolepis acanthoneura (Schwägr.) Lindb. J. Howell Spring of 1879 United States of America Oregon Near Portland 369714
Astragalus howellii A.Gray J. Howell s.n. 1879 United States of America Oregon Wasco Co. High prairies. isotype 5459 Astragalus howellii A.Gray
Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. J. Howell 1879 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. Near Portland 288871
Arenaria pusilla S.Watson J. Howell s.n. United States of America Oregon probable type 342416 Arenaria pusilla S.Watson
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. J. Howell 1879 United States of America Oregon Near Portland 388941
Claopodium crispifolium (Hook.) Renauld & Cardot J. Howell 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 531078
Claopodium crispifolium (Hook.) Renauld & Cardot J. Howell Spring of 1899 United States of America Oregon Near Portland 531081
Hypnum circinale Hook. J. Howell 1879 United States of America Oregon Near Portland 610687
Sphagnum squarrosum var. squarrosulum Schimp. J. Howell Aug 1881 United States of America Oregon Base of Mt. Hood 269376
Aulacomnium androgynum (Hedw.) Schwägr. J. Howell 1879 United States of America Oregon Near Portland 383714
Rhizomnium glabrescens (Kindb.) T.J.Kop. J. Howell 1879 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. Near Portland 409034
Neckera douglasii Hook. J. Howell 1879 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. Near Portland 466044
Neckera douglasii Hook. J. Howell Jan 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 466021
Pinus attenuata Lemmon J. Howell s.n. 06 Jun 1884 United States of America Oregon Waldo 34646 Pinus attenuata Lemmon
Pinus attenuata Lemmon J. Howell s.n. 05 Jun 1884 United States of America Oregon Tops of high hills near… 34607 Pinus attenuata Lemmon
Pinus attenuata Lemmon J. Howell s.n. 05 Jun 1884 United States of America Oregon Tops of high hills near… 34614
Buckiella undulata (Hedw.) Ireland J. Howell Jan 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 507180
Bolandra oregana S.Watson J. Howell s.n. Jun 1877 United States of America Oregon Milwaukie isotype 185969 Bolandra oregana S.Watson
Porotrichum bigelovii (Sull.) Kindb. J. Howell Jan 1976 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 473111
Porotrichum bigelovii (Sull.) Kindb. J. Howell spring 1879 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 473113
Howellia aquatilis A.Gray J. Howell s.n. Apr 1880 United States of America Oregon Sauvie's Island 30845 Howellia aquatilis A.Gray
Fissidens limbatus Sull. J. Howell 38 Jan 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 314487
Metaneckera menziesii (Drumm.) Steere J. Howell 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 465788
Metaneckera menziesii (Drumm.) Steere J. Howell 01 Jan 1879 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. Near Portland 465789
Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. J. Howell 1b 1875 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 761077
Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. J. Howell 1879 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 456214
Howellia aquatilis A.Gray J. Howell s.n. 1879 United States of America Oregon probable isotype 547001 Howellia aquatilis A.Gray
Howellia aquatilis A.Gray J. Howell s.n. 1879 United States of America Oregon probable isotype 547002 Howellia aquatilis A.Gray
Howellia aquatilis A.Gray J. Howell s.n. 1879 United States of America Oregon probable isotype 547003 Howellia aquatilis A.Gray
Howellia aquatilis A.Gray J. Howell s.n. 1879 United States of America Oregon Sauvies Island probable isotype 546999 Howellia aquatilis A.Gray
Isothecium cristatum (Hampe) H.Rob. J. Howell United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 693075
Isothecium stoloniferum Brid. J. Howell 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 707021
Kindbergia praelonga var. stokesii (Turner) Ochyra J. Howell Jan 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 734261
Lomatium triternatum var. macrocarpum (J.M.Coult. & Rose) Mathias J. Howell s.n. s.d. United States of America Oregon 1043355 Lomatium triternatum var. macrocarpum (J.M.Coult. & Rose) Mathias
Astragalus accidens S.Watson J. Howell s.n. 1884 United States of America Oregon Oregon Flora 01203482 Astragalus accidens S.Watson
Arnica chamissonis Less. J. Howell s.n. 1879 [No locality data on label;… 1870802 Arnica chamissonis Less.
Chara coronata Ziz J. Howell | T. J. Howell 2 10 Sep 1885 United States of America Oregon 02017376 Chara coronata Ziz
Chara coronata Ziz J. Howell | T. J. Howell s.n. s.d. United States of America Oregon 02017380 Chara coronata Ziz
Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene J. Howell Jul 1880 United States of America Oregon Hood River Co. Mt. Hood;… 2092144 Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene
Rorippa curvisiliqua (Hook.) Bessey var. curvisiliqua J. Howell s.n. United States of America Oregon 2393120 Rorippa curvisiliqua (Hook.) Bessey var. curvisiliqua
Salix commutata Bebb J. Howell s.n. Aug. 18 United States of America Oregon Mount Hood. 2412447 Salix commutata Bebb
Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth J. Howell s.n. June 1879 United States of America Oregon Cascade Mts., eastern slope. 2517439 Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth
Arctostaphylos viscida Parry J. Howell s.n. June 1884 United States of America Oregon Josephine Co. Waldo. 2520633 Arctostaphylos viscida Parry
Lupinus lepidus var. aridus (Douglas ex Lindl.) Jeps. J. Howell 315 July 1880 United States of America Oregon Near the Dalles. 2598556 Lupinus lepidus var. aridus (Douglas ex Lindl.) Jeps.
Lupinus lepidus var. aridus (Douglas ex Lindl.) Jeps. J. Howell 316 July 1880 United States of America Oregon 2598561 Lupinus lepidus var. aridus (Douglas ex Lindl.) Jeps.
Erigeron linearis (Hook.) Piper J. Howell s.n. Jun 1879 United States of America Oregon Wasco Co. 02681400 Erigeron linearis (Hook.) Piper
Homalothecium nuttallii (Wilson) A.Jaeger J. Howell s.n. 1876 United States of America Oregon Multnomah Co. 03105023
Cryptogramma acrostichoides R.Br. J. Howell s.n. Sep 1879 United States of America Oregon Columbia River 3484753 Cryptogramma acrostichoides R.Br.
Cryptogramma acrostichoides R.Br. J. Howell s.n. Aug 1879 United States of America Oregon Columbia River 3484760 Cryptogramma acrostichoides R.Br.
Myriopteris gracillima D.C. Eaton J. Howell s.n. Jun 1879 United States of America Washington Cimcoe Mts. Washington Territory. 3494090 Myriopteris gracillima D.C. Eaton
Selaginella douglasii (Hook. & Grev.) Spring J. Howell s.n. Jul 1881 United States of America Oregon Rocks Columbia River near the… 3506033 Selaginella douglasii (Hook. & Grev.) Spring
Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatsk., Windham & E.Wollenw. subsp. triangularis J. Howell s.n. May 1879 United States of America Oregon Near Willameth Slough 3501874 Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatsk., Windham & E.Wollenw. subsp. triangularis
Isoetes howellii Engelm. J. Howell s.n. 19 May 1889 United States of America Oregon Dalles 3507990 Isoetes howellii Engelm.
Erythronium giganteum Lindl. J. Howell s.d. United States of America Oregon 3533726 Erythronium giganteum Lindl.
Polystichum munitum var. munitum J. Howell s.n. Jul 1879 United States of America Oregon near Williamette Slough 3540293 Polystichum munitum var. munitum
Dryopteris arguta (Kaulf.) Watt J. Howell s.n. Aug 1879 United States of America Oregon near Williamette Slough 3540529 Dryopteris arguta (Kaulf.) Watt
Viola nuttallii Pursh J. Howell s.n. Jun 1879 United States of America Washington Klickitat. Washington Territory. 3567680 Viola nuttallii Pursh
Viola palustris var. palustris J. Howell s.n. 20 Apr 1891 United States of America Oregon Coos Co. Coose Bay (Coos… 3576162 Viola palustris var. palustris
Polypodium amorphum Suksd. J. Howell s.n. Aug 1879 United States of America Oregon near the Cascades of the… 03792234 Polypodium amorphum Suksd.
Polypodium californicum Kaulf. J. Howell s.n. Mar 1879 United States of America Wyoming Fisher's Landing 3792420 Polypodium californicum Kaulf.
Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton J. Howell s.n. Dec 1875 United States of America Oregon Sauvies Island 3792525 Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton
Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton J. Howell s.n. Apr 1878 United States of America Oregon Near Willamette Slough 3792549 Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton
Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton J. Howell s.n. Apr 1878 United States of America Oregon Willamette Slough 3792552 Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton
Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton J. Howell s.n. Mar 1879 United States of America Wyoming Fisher's Landing 3792574 Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eaton
Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens Underw. J. Howell s.n. Aug 1879 United States of America Oregon Sauvies Island 3793932 Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens Underw.
Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens Underw. J. Howell s.n. Sep 1878 United States of America Oregon Sauvie's Island 3793941 Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens Underw.
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. J. Howell s.n. 1878 United States of America Oregon near Willamette Slough 3799708 Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. J. Howell s.n. 1878 United States of America Oregon near Willamette Slough 3799720 Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.
Woodsia oregana D.C. Eaton J. Howell s.n. Aug 1877 United States of America Oregon Rooster Rock 3810941 Woodsia oregana D.C. Eaton
Woodsia plummerae Lemmon J. Howell s.n. May 1879 United States of America Oregon near Willametts Slough 3811144 Woodsia plummerae Lemmon
Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss J. Howell s.n. May 1879 United States of America Oregon near Willamette Slough 3811672 Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss
Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss J. Howell s.n. 1876 United States of America Oregon 3811673 Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss
Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss J. Howell s.n. Sep 1878 United States of America Oregon near Willamette Sloughh 3811678 Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss