Displaying 1 - 75 out of 1002 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Scrophularia parviflora Wooton & Standl. J. H. Lehr 1055 21 Jul 1873 United States of America Arizona Yavapai Co. Mingus Mountain Road… 3321074 Scrophularia parviflora Wooton & Standl.
Astragalus tephrodes var. brachylobus (A.Gray) Barneby J. H. Lehr 1197 08 May 1874 United States of America Arizona Yavapai Co. Lynx Lake 01283461 Astragalus tephrodes var. brachylobus (A.Gray) Barneby
Scutellaria lateriflora L. J. H. Lehr 231 24 Jul 1934 United States of America New York Rockland Co. swampy woods, north… 3100795 Scutellaria lateriflora L.
Rubus flagellaris Willd. J. H. Lehr 1103 22 Jun 1938 United States of America New York Rockland Co. West side Central… 2866691 Rubus flagellaris Willd.
Anemone americana (DC.) H.Hara J. H. Lehr 134 13 Apr 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. east shore Saddle… 2728540 Anemone americana (DC.) H.Hara
Erythronium americanum Ker Gawl. J. H. Lehr 135 29 Apr 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Swampy place beside… 3533588 Erythronium americanum Ker Gawl.
Cypripedium acaule Aiton J. H. Lehr 26 13 May 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. In shady woods… 4039132 Cypripedium acaule Aiton
Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link J. H. Lehr 663 28 May 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Saddle River, east… 3571182 Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link
Hieracium caespitosum Dumort. J. H. Lehr 181 23 Jun 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. north side, Smith… 2908381 Hieracium caespitosum Dumort.
Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R.Br. J. H. Lehr 224 5 Aug 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Easterly continuation of… 4093215 Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R.Br.
Isotria verticillata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Raf. J. H. Lehr 265 21 Sep 1952 - 12 May 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Border swamp, w.… 4097900 Isotria verticillata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Raf.
Asplenium trichomanes L. J. H. Lehr 402 18 Nov 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. South side brook… 3522965 Asplenium trichomanes L.
Gaultheria procumbens L. J. H. Lehr 79 13 Dec 1952 United States of America New York Rockland Co. No. side, Johnstown… 2522182 Gaultheria procumbens L.
Botrychium matricariifolium A.Braun J. H. Lehr 369 31 May 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. South side, easterly… 3525887 Botrychium matricariifolium A.Braun
Huperzia lucidula (Michx.) Trevis. J. H. Lehr 12 28 Jun 1953 United States of America New York Putnam Co. E side, Palisade… 2432772 Huperzia lucidula (Michx.) Trevis.
Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link J. H. Lehr 405 30 Jun 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. stone wall surrounding… 3495521 Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link
Asplenium rhizophyllum L. J. H. Lehr 403 30 Jun 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Trail to knoll,… 3523599 Asplenium rhizophyllum L.
Platanthera lacera (Michx.) G.Don J. H. Lehr 664 19 Jul 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. dry meadow; east… 4130057 Platanthera lacera (Michx.) G.Don
Selaginella apoda (L.) Spring J. H. Lehr 261 26 Jul 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. West shore, western… 3505614 Selaginella apoda (L.) Spring
Corallorhiza maculata (Raf.) Raf. var. maculata J. H. Lehr 482 04 Aug 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. West side, TMI… 4027773 Corallorhiza maculata (Raf.) Raf. var. maculata
Calopogon tuberosus (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. var. tuberosus J. H. Lehr 518 8 Aug 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. W. side Rt.… 4013136 Calopogon tuberosus (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. var. tuberosus
Schoenoplectiella purshiana var. purshiana J. H. Lehr 511A 24 Aug 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. pond opp. Herriman… 2888439 Schoenoplectiella purshiana var. purshiana
Maianthemum trifolium (L.) Sloboda J. H. Lehr 490 25 Aug 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Squirrel Swamp, east… 3945524 Maianthemum trifolium (L.) Sloboda
Dendrolycopodium obscurum (L.) A.Haines J. H. Lehr 188 27 Aug 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. North side, Rt.… 3148495 Dendrolycopodium obscurum (L.) A.Haines
Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich. J. H. Lehr 252 15 Sep 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Shore pond, w.… 4155184 Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich.
Juncus tenuis Willd. var. tenuis J. H. Lehr 627 20 Sep 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Sand pits: N… 2402333 Juncus tenuis Willd. var. tenuis
Cyperus lupulinus subsp. macilentus (Fernald) Marcks J. H. Lehr 550 20 Sep 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. sand pits, north… 2815506 Cyperus lupulinus subsp. macilentus (Fernald) Marcks
Paronychia fastigiata (Raf.) Fernald J. H. Lehr 636 13 Oct 1953 - 13 Sep 1963 United States of America New York Rockland Co. east side Orange… 3307859 Paronychia fastigiata (Raf.) Fernald
Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon J. H. Lehr 238 03 Nov 1953 - 04 Oct 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. North side, Smith… 3526976 Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon
Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon J. H. Lehr 239 03 Nov 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. North side, Smith… 3527146 Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon
Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon J. H. Lehr 257 03 Nov 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East border, old… 3527180 Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon
Sceptridium oneidense (Gilbert) Holub J. H. Lehr 240 04 Nov 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Rt. 9W, beside… 3527667 Sceptridium oneidense (Gilbert) Holub
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. J. H. Lehr 45 04 Apr 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Lehr residence, Smith… 3177397 Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.
Acer rubrum L. J. H. Lehr 56 13 Apr 1954 - 03 Jun 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Smith Hill Road… 2487990 Acer rubrum L.
Trollius laxus Salisb. J. H. Lehr 666 Fl. 13 Apr 1954, Fr. 02 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side branchlet… 24307 Trollius laxus Salisb.
Vinca minor L. J. H. Lehr 285 18 Apr 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Woods border, beside… 4172235 Vinca minor L.
Antennaria neglecta Greene J. H. Lehr 798 18 Apr 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. road bordering east… 1891891 Antennaria neglecta Greene
Anemone quinquefolia L. var. quinquefolia J. H. Lehr 137 18 Apr 1954 - 09 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side branchlet,… 2740655 Anemone quinquefolia L. var. quinquefolia
Caltha palustris L. J. H. Lehr 139 18 Apr 1954 - 09 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. wooded swamp, east… 2743667 Caltha palustris L.
Thalictrum thalictroides (L.) A.J.Eames & B.Boivin J. H. Lehr 138 18 Apr 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Terrace Ave., nr.… 2802438 Thalictrum thalictroides (L.) A.J.Eames & B.Boivin
Tussilago farfara L. J. H. Lehr 284 20 Apr 1954 - 02 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. E. side, Rt.… 3234294 Tussilago farfara L.
Panax trifolium L. J. H. Lehr 148 20 Apr 1954-02 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side branchlet,… 198894 Panax trifolium L.
Amelanchier arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald J. H. Lehr 786 20 Apr 1954 - 15 Jun 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. thicket border on… 2719984 Amelanchier arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald
Antennaria howellii subsp. petaloidea (Fernald) R.J.Bayer J. H. Lehr 145 Apr 25 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Lehr residence, Smith… 1890560 Antennaria howellii subsp. petaloidea (Fernald) R.J.Bayer
Euphorbia cyparissias L. J. H. Lehr 293 25 Apr 1954 - 01 Jun 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Raodside. North side… 4002021 Euphorbia cyparissias L.
Lamium amplexicaule J. H. Lehr 668 26 Apr 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Smith Hill Rd.… 3039385 Lamium amplexicaule
Hedyotis caerulea (L.) Hook. J. H. Lehr 304 27 Apr 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. West side Central… 3487636 Hedyotis caerulea (L.) Hook.
Sambucus racemosa var. arborescens A.Gray J. H. Lehr 307 27 Apr 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. W. side, Central… 2443669 Sambucus racemosa var. arborescens A.Gray
Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. J. H. Lehr 249 2 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East shore, branchlet… 4043993 Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb.
Antennaria parlinii subsp. fallax (Greene) R.J.Bayer & Stebbins J. H. Lehr 800 02 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. West side entrance… 1878282 Antennaria parlinii subsp. fallax (Greene) R.J.Bayer & Stebbins
Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb. ex Muhl.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. J. H. Lehr 320 04 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side branchlet,… 3174256 Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb. ex Muhl.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Polypodium appalachianum Haufler & Windham J. H. Lehr 1 04 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side TMI… 03964846 Polypodium appalachianum Haufler & Windham
Epigaea repens L. J. H. Lehr 78 04 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Monsey Glen, Rt.… 2521423 Epigaea repens L.
Aquilegia canadensis L. J. H. Lehr 176 04 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. east side TMI… 2741507 Aquilegia canadensis L.
Podophyllum peltatum L. J. H. Lehr 324 09 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Doares residence, Brick… 3841048 Podophyllum peltatum L.
Anemone americana (DC.) H.Hara J. H. Lehr 40 09 May 1954 - 18 Oct 1953 United States of America New York Rockland Co. east side branchlet,… 2728547 Anemone americana (DC.) H.Hara
Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. J. H. Lehr 675 10 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. No. side road,… 3152927 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.
Veronica serpyllifolia L. J. H. Lehr 338 11 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. front Lehr residence,… 3338682 Veronica serpyllifolia L.
Packera aurea (L.) Á.Löve & D.Löve J. H. Lehr 327 12 May 1954 United States of America New York Fred Lehr residence, Smith Hill… 3087599 Packera aurea (L.) Á.Löve & D.Löve
Convallaria majalis L. J. H. Lehr 676 13 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. North side Campbell… 663916 Convallaria majalis L.
Antennaria howellii subsp. neodioica (Greene) R.J.Bayer J. H. Lehr 799 May 18, 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. West side of… 1890190 Antennaria howellii subsp. neodioica (Greene) R.J.Bayer
Carex laxiflora Lam. J. H. Lehr 372 18 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side, TMI… 2194975 Carex laxiflora Lam.
Pedicularis canadensis L. J. H. Lehr 326 18 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side TMI… 3298749 Pedicularis canadensis L.
Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richardson J. H. Lehr 801 18 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Eats side TMI… 1879270 Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richardson
Ranunculus bulbosus L. J. H. Lehr 345 18 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. west side cedar… 2785481 Ranunculus bulbosus L.
Hesperis matronalis L. J. H. Lehr 343 22 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East side, parking… 03233069 Hesperis matronalis L.
Galium aparine L. J. H. Lehr 677 22 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. North side, Cedar… 3452234 Galium aparine L.
Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. J. H. Lehr 152 24 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Swamp on east… 3526282 Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw.
Lonicera morrowii A.Gray J. H. Lehr 334 24 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. neglected apple orchard,… 2442070 Lonicera morrowii A.Gray
Carex convoluta Mack. J. H. Lehr 494 25 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. East shore branchlet… 2260564 Carex convoluta Mack.
Maianthemum canadense Desf. J. H. Lehr 24 25 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Saddle River, no.… 3546243 Maianthemum canadense Desf.
Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link J. H. Lehr 663A 25 May 1954 United States of America New York Saddle River, east shore, north… 3571183 Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link
Viburnum lentago L. J. H. Lehr 680 25 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Old orchard, north… 2462021 Viburnum lentago L.
Carex gracillima Schwein. J. H. Lehr 682 26 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Moist woods below… 2278353 Carex gracillima Schwein.
Geum rivale L. J. H. Lehr 681 29 May 1954 United States of America New York Rockland Co. south side Smith… 2809923 Geum rivale L.