Displaying 1 - 75 out of 355 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ischyrolepis subverticellata Steud. J. F. Drège 1 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246759 Ischyrolepis subverticellata Steud.
Manulea bellidifolia Benth. J. F. Drège 7 s.d. South Africa Cape Province possible type 90654 Manulea bellidifolia Benth.
Nemesia parviflora Benth. J. F. Drège 9 s.d. South Africa Cape Province type material 90828 Nemesia parviflora Benth.
Sonchus reversus E.Mey. J. F. Drège 12 s.d. South Africa C. S. B. [Caput bon.… type 259987 Sonchus reversus E.Mey.
Restio obtusissimus Steud. J. F. Drège 22 1840 South Africa Africa austr. isotype 246785 Restio obtusissimus Steud.
Restio tetrasepalus Steud. J. F. Drège 27 s.d. South Africa Africa austr. isotype 246799 Restio tetrasepalus Steud.
Restio xyridioides Kunth J. F. Drège 35 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isolectotype 246801 Restio xyridioides Kunth
Calopsis oxylepis Kunth J. F. Drège 39 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isolectotype 246733 Calopsis oxylepis Kunth
Cyphia angustiloba C.Presl J. F. Drège 51.8 s.d. South Africa type 546914 Cyphia angustiloba C.Presl
Lachnaea aurea Eckl. & Zeyh. ex Meisn. J. F. Drège 58.8 Aug South Africa Caledon, Fleinriviersberg, steinige Bergplätze, Bergrüchen,… isotype 214631 Lachnaea aurea Eckl. & Zeyh. ex Meisn.
Gnidia styphelioides Meisn. J. F. Drège 65 s.d. South Africa [From protologue: In declivitate septentrionali… type 1288007 Gnidia styphelioides Meisn.
Gnidia decurrens Meisn. J. F. Drège 65 s.d. South Africa b. Tafelberg [bei Tafelberg, =… syntype 1288004 Gnidia decurrens Meisn.
Restio impolitus Kunth J. F. Drège 67 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246780 Restio impolitus Kunth
Restio kunthii Steud. J. F. Drège 69 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246782 Restio kunthii Steud.
Cliffortia grandifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 70.10 s.d. Unspecified on label. [filed at… possible type 418618 Cliffortia grandifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.
Morysia pauciflora DC. J. F. Drège 73.11 s.d. South Africa type 230695 Morysia pauciflora DC.
Morysia pauciflora DC. J. F. Drège 73.11 s.d. South Africa type 230697 Morysia pauciflora DC.
Gonophylla coerulescens Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 76.7 Jul South Africa Clanwilliam, an Fluss Olifautrivier und… isotype 214628 Gonophylla coerulescens Eckl. & Zeyh.
Lachenalia pusilla Jacq. J. F. Drège 76[is this a collection number?] s.d. South Africa 02350167 Lachenalia pusilla Jacq.
Haematomma collatum (Stirt.) C.W.Dodge J. F. Drège 105 s.d. South Africa Western Cape Cape of Good Hope 04518354 Haematomma collatum (Stirt.) C.W.Dodge
Leucosidea sericea Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 118.9 s.d. [locality unspecified on label. Filed… possible type 436078 Leucosidea sericea Eckl. & Zeyh.
Prismatocarpus junceus H.Buek J. F. Drège 118.12 s.d. South Africa type 547219 Prismatocarpus junceus H.Buek
Dovea ebracteata Kunth J. F. Drège 125 1840 South Africa Africa austr. isolectotype 246741 Dovea ebracteata Kunth
Drosera cistiflora L. J. F. Drège 129 s.d. 3839328 Drosera cistiflora L.
Lachnaea gracilis Meisn. J. F. Drège 583 s.d. South Africa Hexrivier holotype 214608 Lachnaea gracilis Meisn.
Senecio scabriusculus DC. J. F. Drège 588 s.d. South Africa [Country not stated on label.] type 259527 Senecio scabriusculus DC.
Oxalis stellata Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 661 s.d. South Africa [From protologue: inter frutices campestrium… possible type 214524 Oxalis stellata Eckl. & Zeyh.
Oxalis tenuifolia Jacq. J. F. Drège 682 s.d. South Africa 214526 Oxalis tenuifolia Jacq.
Oxalis patula Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 684 s.d. South Africa [From protologue: In collibus montium… possible isotype 214523 Oxalis patula Eckl. & Zeyh.
Oxalis collina Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 710 s.d. South Africa [From protologue: Locis gramineis aperis… possible type 214520 Oxalis collina Eckl. & Zeyh.
Oxalis imbricata Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 736 s.d. South Africa [From protologue: In campestris ad… possible isotype 214521 Oxalis imbricata Eckl. & Zeyh.
Celastrus cymosus Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 948 South Africa type 337314 Celastrus cymosus Eckl. & Zeyh.
Celastrus cymosus Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 948 South Africa type 337315 Celastrus cymosus Eckl. & Zeyh.
Buchenroedera tenuifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1055 South Africa [Near Silo at River Klipplaatrivier,… possible isotype 6285 Buchenroedera tenuifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.
Erica cymosa Benth. ex E.Mey. J. F. Drège 1135 s.d. South Africa Africa austr.: Duboitskloof, prov. Worcester. isolectotype 803956 Erica cymosa Benth. ex E.Mey.
Cyclopia teretifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1145 South Africa type 6735 Cyclopia teretifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.
Podalyria speciosa Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1164 South Africa possible syntype 26745 Podalyria speciosa Eckl. & Zeyh.
Podalyria pallens Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1172 South Africa possible syntype 26743 Podalyria pallens Eckl. & Zeyh.
Liparia comantha Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1216 possible isotype 15689 Liparia comantha Eckl. & Zeyh.
Lathriogyna parvifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1244 South Africa Western Cape Stellenbosch. Hottentottshollandsberge near Palmietrivier possible isolectotype 15618 Lathriogyna parvifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.
Buchenroedera teretifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1356 South Africa [Near Bergvalley, Clanwilliam.] possible isotype 6286 Buchenroedera teretifolia Eckl. & Zeyh.
Serruria vestita H.Buek ex Meisn. J. F. Drège 1476 South Africa Africa Austr. lectotype 284824 Serruria vestita H.Buek ex Meisn.
Indigofera alopecuroides DC. J. F. Drège 1591 South Africa possible type 15547 Indigofera alopecuroides DC.
Rhynchosia hirsuta Eckl. & Zeyh. J. F. Drège 1616 South Africa Cape Province. "Winterberg near Philipstown" possible isotype 26958 Rhynchosia hirsuta Eckl. & Zeyh.
Restio ameles Steud. J. F. Drège 1620 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246767 Restio ameles Steud.
Leptocarpus peronatus (Kunth) Mast. J. F. Drège 1623? s.d. South Africa Cape Province possible type 246763 Leptocarpus peronatus (Kunth) Mast.
Restio filiformis Poir. J. F. Drège 1624 s.d. South Africa 04735685 Restio filiformis Poir.
Restio curviramis Kunth J. F. Drège 1626 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isolectotype 246769 Restio curviramis Kunth
Restio miser Kunth J. F. Drège 1627 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246784 Restio miser Kunth
Restio garnotianus Kunth J. F. Drège 1628 s.d. South Africa Cape Province syntype 246777 Restio garnotianus Kunth
Restio pedicellatus Mart. J. F. Drège 1629 s.d. South Africa Cape Province syntype 246788 Restio pedicellatus Mart.
Stilbe albiflora E.Mey. J. F. Drège 1840 Acc. 1840 South Africa Africa Austr. type 337304 Stilbe albiflora E.Mey.
Restio tenuissimus Kunth J. F. Drège 1970 s.d. [filed at NY under AFRICA] isolectotype 246798 Restio tenuissimus Kunth
Restio depauperatus Kunth J. F. Drège 2021 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246770 Restio depauperatus Kunth
Restio graminifolius Kunth J. F. Drège 2021 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246778 Restio graminifolius Kunth
Thamnochortus scirpoides Kunth J. F. Drège 2023 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246810 Thamnochortus scirpoides Kunth
Ficinia compasbergensis Drège J. F. Drège 2034 South Africa Africa austr. possible type 51150 Ficinia compasbergensis Drège
Restio garnotianus Kunth J. F. Drège 2473 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isolectotype 246776 Restio garnotianus Kunth
Dovea binata Steud. J. F. Drège 2477 s.d. South Africa Africa austr. isotype 246740 Dovea binata Steud.
Restio rottboellioides Kunth J. F. Drège 2494 s.d. [filed at NY under AFRICA] isotype 246795 Restio rottboellioides Kunth
Leptocarpus peronatus var. hirtella Kunth J. F. Drège 2499 s.d. South Africa Cape Province possible type 246764 Leptocarpus peronatus var. hirtella Kunth
Leptocarpus perornatus var. hirtella Kunth J. F. Drège 2500 s.d. South Africa Cape Province type 246765 Leptocarpus perornatus var. hirtella Kunth
Calopsis oxylepis Kunth J. F. Drège 2501 s.d. South Africa Cape Province syntype 246734 Calopsis oxylepis Kunth
Restio setiger Kunth J. F. Drège 2503 s.d. [filed at NY under AFRICA] isotype 246797 Restio setiger Kunth
Restio fuirenoides Kunth J. F. Drège 2504 s.d. South Africa Cape Province isotype 246773 Restio fuirenoides Kunth
Cannomois simplex Kunth J. F. Drège 2514 1840 South Africa Africa austr. isotype 246736 Cannomois simplex Kunth
Willdenowia arescens Kunth J. F. Drège 2522 s.d. South Africa Africa austr. isotype 246811 Willdenowia arescens Kunth
Dovea macrocarpa Kunth J. F. Drège 2523 s.d. South Africa Africa austr. isotype 246742 Dovea macrocarpa Kunth
Rumex sagittatus subsp. cordifolius Meisn. J. F. Drège 2714 South Africa Zilverfontein possible type 324151 Rumex sagittatus subsp. cordifolius Meisn.
Rumex sagittatus subsp. cordifolius Meisn. J. F. Drège 2714 South Africa Zilverfontein possible type 324152 Rumex sagittatus subsp. cordifolius Meisn.
Hymenolepis punctata DC. J. F. Drège 2829 s.d. South Africa Cape Province. Cap. type 180148 Hymenolepis punctata DC.
Gnidia meyeri Meisn. J. F. Drège 2974 [18XX] South Africa [From protolgoue: On collibus prope… holotype 1287795 Gnidia meyeri Meisn.
Tristicha dregeana Tul. J. F. Drège 2991 s.d. South Africa Africa austr. isotype 387831 Tristicha dregeana Tul.
Nitella plumosa A.Braun J. F. Drège 2998 a s.d. South Africa Cape isolectotype 01089223 Nitella plumosa A.Braun
Gnidia albicans var. grandiflora Meisn. J. F. Drège 3537 s.d. South Africa 1288001 Gnidia albicans var. grandiflora Meisn.