Displaying 1 - 12 out of 12 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Halurus equisetifolius (Lightf.) Kütz. J. Bory de Saint-Vincent s.n. Autumn 1829 Greece Periphery of the peninsula of… 03532042 Halurus equisetifolius (Lightf.) Kütz.
Blechnum serrulatum Rich. J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 80 1847 Guadeloupe Surfriere 2007827 Blechnum serrulatum Rich.
Lellingeria tenuicula (Fée) A.R.Sm. & R.C.Moran J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 6117 1847 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent 01864002 Lellingeria tenuicula (Fée) A.R.Sm. & R.C.Moran
Terpsichore asplenifolia (L.) A.R.Sm. J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1120 1847 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent 1864479 Terpsichore asplenifolia (L.) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris guadalupensis (Wikstr.) Proctor J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 10 1847 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent 2480617 Thelypteris guadalupensis (Wikstr.) Proctor
Elaphoglossum flaccidum (Fée) T.Moore J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 01.SS 1847 Guadeloupe 2010582 Elaphoglossum flaccidum (Fée) T.Moore
Mickelia nicotianifolia (Sw.) R.C.Moran, Labiak & Sundue J. Bory de Saint-Vincent s.n. 1847 Guadeloupe 01918824 Mickelia nicotianifolia (Sw.) R.C.Moran, Labiak & Sundue
Elaphoglossum latifolium (Sw.) J.Sm. J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 37, 26 1847 Guadeloupe 2010715 Elaphoglossum latifolium (Sw.) J.Sm.
Agarum turneri Postels & Rupr. J. Bory de Saint-Vincent s.n. Unknown 02223988 Agarum turneri Postels & Rupr.
Blechnum appendiculatum Willd. J. Bory de Saint-Vincent s.n. s.d. Unknown 4168180 Blechnum appendiculatum Willd.
Codium decorticatum (Woodw.) M.Howe J. Bory de Saint-Vincent s.n. s.d. Spain Cadiz 03206025 Codium decorticatum (Woodw.) M.Howe
Rhizofabronia persoonii (Schwägr.) M.Fleisch. J. Bory de Saint-Vincent Réunion Insula Borboniae 02212426