Displaying 1 - 25 out of 35 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Acokanthera longiflora Stapf I. R. Dale 2080 s.d. Kenya Kikuyu 04159443 Acokanthera longiflora Stapf
Albizia sericocephala Benth. I. R. Dale u.111 1939 Uganda 04793243 Albizia sericocephala Benth.
Baissea major (Stapf) Hiern I. R. Dale 2285 Nov 1934 Kenya Kakamega 04177652 Baissea major (Stapf) Hiern
Brachiaria soluta Stapf I. R. Dale 11 May 1957 Kenya Kipkarren River 04407431 Brachiaria soluta Stapf
Clerodendrum dalei Moldenke I. R. Dale 3811 Sep 1937 Kenya Near Marjoreni, S. Digo type fragment 137334 Clerodendrum dalei Moldenke
Combretum aculeatum Vent. I. R. Dale u.112 1939 Uganda 4964160 Combretum aculeatum Vent.
Cornus volkensii Harms I. R. Dale U.103 s.d. Uganda 04979658 Cornus volkensii Harms
Crateva adansonii DC. I. R. Dale U.107 1939 Uganda 04791378 Crateva adansonii DC.
Eragrostis paniciformis (A.Br.) Steud. I. R. Dale 7 May 1957 Kenya Kip Karren River 4264529 Eragrostis paniciformis (A.Br.) Steud.
Eriocaulon schimperi Körn. ex Engl. I. R. Dale 3397 Jun 1935 Kenya Marakweb Hills type fragment 00008407 Eriocaulon schimperi Körn. ex Engl.
Erythrina excelsa Baker I. R. Dale 4122 1939 Uganda 4808437 Erythrina excelsa Baker
Gloriosa simplex L. I. R. Dale K204 19 Dec 1962 Kenya Tsavo voi District 4736418 Gloriosa simplex L.
Gymnosporia putterlickioides Loes. I. R. Dale 1049 Aug 1936 Kenya north of Kilifi 04829788 Gymnosporia putterlickioides Loes.
Hunteria zeylanica (Retz.) Gardner ex Thwaites I. R. Dale 2205 s.d. Kenya 4192985 Hunteria zeylanica (Retz.) Gardner ex Thwaites
Hypericum quartinianum A.Rich. I. R. Dale u120 1939 Uganda 04961554 Hypericum quartinianum A.Rich.
Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk. I. R. Dale u95 1939 Uganda 4829630 Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk.
Landolphia buchananii Stapf I. R. Dale 2432 Oct 1930 Kenya Kamitok Forest, Kamasia 4193545 Landolphia buchananii Stapf
Lasianthus kilimandscharicus K.Schum. I. R. Dale 649 s.d. Kenya 05022844 Lasianthus kilimandscharicus K.Schum.
Myrsine neurophylla Gilg I. R. Dale 4102 1939 Uganda 04991197 Myrsine neurophylla Gilg
Myrsine neurophylla Gilg I. R. Dale s.n. 1939 Uganda 04991196 Myrsine neurophylla Gilg
Olea chrysophylla Lam. I. R. Dale u104 1939 Uganda 04999279 Olea chrysophylla Lam.
Olea chrysophylla Lam. I. R. Dale s.n. 1939 Uganda 04999276 Olea chrysophylla Lam.
Oxyanthus speciosus DC. I. R. Dale s.n. Oct 1937 Kenya Kenya Colony: Michi, Malindi 5022343 Oxyanthus speciosus DC.
Premna resinosa (Hochst.) Schauer I. R. Dale 3887 Jan 1938 Kenya Near Voi 05030095 Premna resinosa (Hochst.) Schauer
Salix hutchinsii Skan I. R. Dale 675(T) s.d. Kenya 04737927 Salix hutchinsii Skan