Cotoneaster pannosus Franch.
I. T. Worthley 5231 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2730933 |
Cotoneaster rotundifolius Wall. ex Lindl.
I. T. Worthley 17519 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2730952 |
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
I. T. Worthley 891 |
26 Aug 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2730965 |
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
I. T. Worthley 891 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2730966 |
Cotoneaster thymifolius Baker
I. T. Worthley 5259 |
26 Aug 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
02730983 |
I. T. Worthley 5186 |
26 Aug 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2730999 |
Crataegus apiifolia Michx.
I. T. Worthley 17526 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2731156 |
Crataegus aprica Beadle
I. T. Worthley 17511 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2731230 |
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle
I. T. Worthley 17518 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2731581 |
Crataegus brittonii Eggl.
I. T. Worthley |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2731717 |
Crataegus collina Chapm.
I. T. Worthley 4285 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2732296 |
Crataegus phaenopyrum (L.f.) Medik.
I. T. Worthley 4212 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2748000 |
Crataegus punctata Jacq.
I. T. Worthley 4175 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2748576 |
Crataegus sanguina Pall.
I. T. Worthley 4109 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2749159 |
Crataegus uniflora Münchh.
I. T. Worthley 5898 |
26 Aug 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2778932 |
Cydonia sinensis Thouin
I. T. Worthley 4218 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
02781053 |
Cydonia sinensis Thouin
I. T. Worthley 5116 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
02781054 |
Cydonia sinensis Thouin
I. T. Worthley 17006 |
10 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
02781055 |
Exochorda korolkowii [ined.]
I. T. Worthley 5773 |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
02798394 |
Holodiscus discolor var. dumosus (S.Watson) Dippel
I. T. Worthley 03641 |
09 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. Fruticetum |
— |
2811388 |
Physocarpus intermedius (Rydb.) C.K.Schneid.
I. T. Worthley 4136 |
09 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
02827544 |
Potentilla fruticosa L.
I. T. Worthley 050 |
20 Aug 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2831056 |
Prunus glandulosa Thunb.
I. T. Worthley 5753 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2849447 |
Prunus incana (Pall.) Batsch
I. T. Worthley 5768 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
02849704 |
Prunus mollis Torr.
I. T. Worthley 4144 |
14 Jul 1903 |
United States of America |
New York |
Bronx Co. New York Botanical… |
— |
2850086 |