Displaying 1 - 75 out of 1223 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Sphacelotheca panici-leucophaei (Bref.) G.P.Clinton H. H. Whetzel 451 Feb. 25, Apr. 4, 1816 Puerto Rico Barceloneta, Langley's Yard 3019991 Sphacelotheca panici-leucophaei (Bref.) G.P.Clinton
Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary H. H. Whetzel s.n. Aug 1896 United States of America New York [Locality information illegible, handwriting may… 1959072 Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary
Lactarius theiogalus (Bull.:Fr.) Gray H. H. Whetzel 13437 10 Aug 1902 United States of America New York Cayuga Lake Basin, Cascadilla 173974
Gymnopus confluens (Pers.:Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. H. H. Whetzel s.n. 10 Aug 1902 United States of America New York Cayuga Lake Basin, Cascadilla 1950836 Gymnopus confluens (Pers.:Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel.
Gymnopus confluens (Pers.:Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. H. H. Whetzel 13449 10 Aug 1902 United States of America New York Cayuga Lake Basin. 1950835 Gymnopus confluens (Pers.:Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel.
Lactarius subdulcis (Pers.:Fr.) Gray H. H. Whetzel 14404 11 Aug 1902 United States of America New York S. Beebe Lake [=Beebe Pond],… 170739
Lactarius subdulcis (Pers.:Fr.) Gray H. H. Whetzel 14404 11 Aug 1902 United States of America New York S. Beebe Lake [=Beebe Pond],… 170784
Amanita pantherina var. multisquamosa (Peck) Dav.T.Jenkins H. H. Whetzel 19 Aug 1902 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. 36447 Amanita pantherina var. multisquamosa (Peck) Dav.T.Jenkins
Clitocybe fasciculata H.E.Bigelow & A.H.Sm. H. H. Whetzel 14230 Oct 1902 United States of America New York Cayuga Lake basin 1940405 Clitocybe fasciculata H.E.Bigelow & A.H.Sm.
Hygrophorus mugnalus (Scop.) Murrill H. H. Whetzel 14345 15 Oct 1902 United States of America New York Cayuga Lake Basin; N. Beebe… 1958149 Hygrophorus mugnalus (Scop.) Murrill
Puccinia extensicola Plowr. H. H. Whetzel 1468 15 Jun 1904 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. S side McGowans… 3400105 Puccinia extensicola Plowr.
Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schwein.) Tul. & C.Tul. H. H. Whetzel s.n. Aug 1905 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. Woods beyond Forest… 2952496 Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schwein.) Tul. & C.Tul.
Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schwein.) Tul. & C.Tul. H. H. Whetzel s.n. 01 Sep 1905 Six Mile Creek 2952515 Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schwein.) Tul. & C.Tul.
Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th.Fr. H. H. Whetzel 2275 29 Sep 1905 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. N of Beebe… 2761486 Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th.Fr.
Hypocrea sulphurea (Schwein.) Sacc. H. H. Whetzel s.n. 01 Oct 1905 United States of America New York Woods north [?] of Varna… 2950673 Hypocrea sulphurea (Schwein.) Sacc.
Hypocrea sulphurea (Schwein.) Sacc. H. H. Whetzel s.n. 07 Oct 1905 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. North of Vama… 2950669 Hypocrea sulphurea (Schwein.) Sacc.
Septotinia podophyllina Whetzel H. H. Whetzel s.n. Jul 1906 United States of America New York Chicago Pond 3428164 Septotinia podophyllina Whetzel
Puccinia hieracii (Röhl.) Mart. H. H. Whetzel 1743 20 Jun 1907 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. Campus [=Cornell University] 275191
Puccinia punctiformis (F.Strauss) Röhl. H. H. Whetzel 1772 20 Jun 1907 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. 292595
Puccinia graminis Pers. H. H. Whetzel 1732 21 Jun 1907 United States of America California Riverside 274995
Arthuriomyces peckianus (M.Howe) Cummins & Y.Hirats. H. H. Whetzel 1630 27 Jun 1907 United States of America New York Forest Home 237004
Puccinia jussiaeae Speg. H. H. Whetzel 1769 20 Jul 1907 United States of America New York Wayne Co. Montezuma Marshes 292580
Uromyces ari-triphylli (Schwein.) Seeler H. H. Whetzel 1652 20 Jul 1907 United States of America New York Minteguia Moncho 310145
Puccinia graminis Pers. H. H. Whetzel 1733 23 Jul 1907 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. 274996
Puccinia helianthi Schwein. H. H. Whetzel 1741 28 Jul 1907 United States of America New York Forest Home 275127
Puccinia circaeae Pers. H. H. Whetzel 1701 28 Jul 1907 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. Torrest Home [=Forest… 257187
Aecidium H. H. Whetzel 1600 12 Aug 1907 United States of America Indiana Noble Co. 327737
Puccinia recondita Roberge ex Desm. H. H. Whetzel 1600 10 Sep 1907 United States of America New York Taughannock Falls 327820
Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) G.Winter H. H. Whetzel 12 Oct 1907 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. Campus [=Cornell University] 270387
Urocystis anemones (Pers.) G.Winter H. H. Whetzel 1645 12 May 1908 United States of America New York Forest Home 307981
Urocystis occulta (Wallr.) Rabenh. H. H. Whetzel 1647 Ju (either June or July) 25, 1908 United States of America Indiana Avilla 307975
Dothidella ulmea (Schwein.:Fr.) Ellis & Everh. H. H. Whetzel s.n. Apr 1909 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. 2989152 Dothidella ulmea (Schwein.:Fr.) Ellis & Everh.
Dothidella ulmea (Schwein.:Fr.) Ellis & Everh. H. H. Whetzel s.n. Apr 1909 United States of America New York Ithaca 2989156 Dothidella ulmea (Schwein.:Fr.) Ellis & Everh.
Dothidella ulmi (Fr.) Ellis & Everh. H. H. Whetzel s.n. Apr 1909 United States of America New York Ithaca 2989192 Dothidella ulmi (Fr.) Ellis & Everh.
Bovista pila Berk. & M.A.Curtis H. H. Whetzel 5208 01 May 1910 United States of America New York Forest Home Path 65754
Septotinia podophyllina Whetzel H. H. Whetzel s.n. 18 Jun 1910 United States of America New York Taughannock 3428193 Septotinia podophyllina Whetzel
Cintractia junci (Schwein.) Trel. H. H. Whetzel 1612 28 Jun 1910 United States of America New York Onondaga Co. Apulia. [Inferred county… 296577
Hypocrea rufa (Pers.) Fr. H. H. Whetzel 461 25 Oct 1910 United States of America New York Forest Home, Ithaca 2950346 Hypocrea rufa (Pers.) Fr.
Sepedonium chrysospermum (Bull.) Fr. H. H. Whetzel s.n. Jul 1915 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. near Beebe Lake,… 3611660 Sepedonium chrysospermum (Bull.) Fr.
Phyllachora galactiae Earle H. H. Whetzel 575 02 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Barcelonita, Langley's Farm 3388771 Phyllachora galactiae Earle
Phyllachora Nitschke ex Fuckel H. H. Whetzel 551 25 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Barceloneta 3386882 Phyllachora Nitschke ex Fuckel
Puccinia thaliae Dietel H. H. Whetzel 225 25 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Barceloneta 3448169 Puccinia thaliae Dietel
Nectria pseudotrichia Berk. & M.A.Curtis H. H. Whetzel 678 27 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 2959159 Nectria pseudotrichia Berk. & M.A.Curtis
Uromyces dolicholi Arthur H. H. Whetzel 211 28 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez 3438098 Uromyces dolicholi Arthur
Endophylloides portoricensis Whetzel & Olive H. H. Whetzel 83 29 Feb 1916, 29 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayaguez, La Jagua type 53723
Puccinia cynodontis Lacroix ex Desm. H. H. Whetzel 424 29 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Exp. Sta. Grounds 2994780 Puccinia cynodontis Lacroix ex Desm.
Polystigma pusillum Syd. & P.Syd. H. H. Whetzel 566 29 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Exp. Sta. Farm 3386062 Polystigma pusillum Syd. & P.Syd.
Polystigma pusillum Syd. & P.Syd. H. H. Whetzel 566 29 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Exp. Sta. Farm 3386079 Polystigma pusillum Syd. & P.Syd.
Polystigma pusillum Syd. & P.Syd. H. H. Whetzel 566 29 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Exp. Station Farm 3386081 Polystigma pusillum Syd. & P.Syd.
Puccinia substriata Ellis & Barthol. var. substriata H. H. Whetzel 401 29 Feb 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Exp Sta Grounds 3446147 Puccinia substriata Ellis & Barthol. var. substriata
Albugo H. H. Whetzel 705 01 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez 3999931
Botryorhiza hippocratea Whetzel & Olive H. H. Whetzel 87 1, 3, 27 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez. La Jagua type 53695 Botryorhiza hippocratea Whetzel & Olive
Uredo sabiceicola Arthur H. H. Whetzel 236 01 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez "La Jagua" 3012670 Uredo sabiceicola Arthur
Puccinia hyptidis (M.A.Curtis) Tracy & Earle H. H. Whetzel 113 01 Mar 1916 - 08 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 3405713 Puccinia hyptidis (M.A.Curtis) Tracy & Earle
Puccinia lateritia Berk. & M.A.Curtis H. H. Whetzel 293 Mar.1,2,13,1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 3407217 Puccinia lateritia Berk. & M.A.Curtis
Puccinia medellinensis Mayor H. H. Whetzel 119 Mar. 1, 6, 8, 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez "La Jagua" 3408946 Puccinia medellinensis Mayor
Puccinia polygoni-amphibii Pers. H. H. Whetzel 261 01 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 3413716 Puccinia polygoni-amphibii Pers.
Puccinia substriata Ellis & Barthol. var. substriata H. H. Whetzel 400 01 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 3446148 Puccinia substriata Ellis & Barthol. var. substriata
Puccinia thaliae Dietel H. H. Whetzel 227 01 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez "La Jagua" 3448175 Puccinia thaliae Dietel
Pucciniosira pallidula (Speg.) Lagerh. H. H. Whetzel 107 01 Mar 1916 - 08 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 3451921 Pucciniosira pallidula (Speg.) Lagerh.
Acrostalagmus albus Preuss H. H. Whetzel 740 01 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 3602836 Acrostalagmus albus Preuss
Calonectria erubescens (Roberge ex Desm.) Sacc. H. H. Whetzel 663 02 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 2948238 Calonectria erubescens (Roberge ex Desm.) Sacc.
Meliola pteridicola F.Stevens H. H. Whetzel 582 02 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 2964219 Meliola pteridicola F.Stevens
Puccinia eleocharidis Arthur H. H. Whetzel 39 02 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 3398759 Puccinia eleocharidis Arthur
Phyllachora securidacae Henn. H. H. Whetzel 564 02 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez 3388321 Phyllachora securidacae Henn.
Phyllachora securidacae Henn. H. H. Whetzel 564 02 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez 3388328 Phyllachora securidacae Henn.
Puccinia substriata Ellis & Barthol. var. substriata H. H. Whetzel 396 02 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez "La Jagua" 3446176 Puccinia substriata Ellis & Barthol. var. substriata
Puccinia thaliae Dietel H. H. Whetzel 224 02 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Exp. Sta. Grounds 3448160 Puccinia thaliae Dietel
Ravenelia indigoferae Tranzschel H. H. Whetzel 190 02 Mar 1916 - 20 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez 3432222 Ravenelia indigoferae Tranzschel
Uredo coccolobae Henn. H. H. Whetzel 342 03 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez road to Guanajibo 3012442 Uredo coccolobae Henn.
Uredo hymenaeae Mayor H. H. Whetzel 178 03 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez South along R.R. 3012536 Uredo hymenaeae Mayor
Puccinia cenchri Dietel & Holw. H. H. Whetzel 406 03 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez road to Guanajibo 2999366 Puccinia cenchri Dietel & Holw.
Meliola andirae Earle H. H. Whetzel 583 03 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez La Jagua 2962256 Meliola andirae Earle
Meliola lagunculariae Earle H. H. Whetzel 604 03 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez near Guanajibo 2963137 Meliola lagunculariae Earle
Meliola melastomacearum Speg. H. H. Whetzel 588 03 Mar 1916 Puerto Rico Mayagüez 2963442 Meliola melastomacearum Speg.