Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Hypnum tibetanum Mitt. H. Strachey 1052 China Tibet, very lofty elevation holotype 227047 Hypnum tibetanum Mitt.
Stereodon revolutus Mitt. H. Strachey s.n. China Tibet; Top of Hera La drawing of holotype 913457
Stereodon revolutus Mitt. H. Strachey s.n. China Tibet; Top of Hera La holotype 913456
Stereodon condensatus Mitt. H. Strachey 74/54 India Kumaon. Jagesai holotype 267701 Stereodon condensatus Mitt.
Stereodon serrula Mitt. H. Strachey 72/88 India Kumaon. Dwali syntype 267712 Stereodon serrula Mitt.
Stereodon serrula Mitt. H. Strachey 88 India Kumaon. Dwali syntype 267713 Stereodon serrula Mitt.
Stereodon condensatus Mitt. H. Strachey 74 India Kumaon. "Jagsar" [Jagesai] probable type 913314 Stereodon condensatus Mitt.
Bartramia subpellucida Mitt. H. Strachey 52 India Kumaon. Champwa lectotype 635365 Bartramia subpellucida Mitt.
Bartramia subpellucida Mitt. H. Strachey 52 India Kumaon. Champwa syntype 635366 Bartramia subpellucida Mitt.