Displaying 1 - 25 out of 202 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Mesechites repens (Jacq.) Miers H. E. Box 25915 11 Nov 1976 Dominican Republic Azua En manigua, bosque seco, entre… 1686419 Mesechites repens (Jacq.) Miers
Croton astroites Dryand. H. E. Box 601 14 May 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Barbuda N.E. of Codrington Village. 1386035 Croton astroites Dryand.
Ghinia boxiana Moldenke H. E. Box 1091 21 Sep 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Saint George Antigua. St. George's isotype 111231 Ghinia boxiana Moldenke
Catesbaea melanocarpa Krug & Urb. H. E. Box 603 14 May 1937 Antigua and Barbuda N.E. of Cordington Village, Barbuda. 875512 Catesbaea melanocarpa Krug & Urb.
Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguélen H. E. Box 19Dupl 04 Sep 1931 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua: in valleys and hillsides… 1607380 Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguélen
Tragus berteronianus Schult. H. E. Box 589 Apr 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Blackmans 1658936 Tragus berteronianus Schult.
Lasiacis sorghoidea (Desv. ex Ham.) Hitchc. & Chase var. sorghoidea H. E. Box 160 28 Jan 1938 Saint Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts. Near "The Weir".… 1659761 Lasiacis sorghoidea (Desv. ex Ham.) Hitchc. & Chase var. sorghoidea
Miconia laevigata (L.) D.Don H. E. Box 1527 28 Aug 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Macarthy Hills. In the… 01117148 Miconia laevigata (L.) D.Don
Miconia striata (Vahl) Cogn. H. E. Box 1526 28 Aug 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Macarthy Hills. In the… 01164063 Miconia striata (Vahl) Cogn.
Justicia secunda Vahl H. E. Box 1738 03 Apr 1938 Saint Lucia near Forestiere 1009779 Justicia secunda Vahl
Justicia sessilis Jacq. H. E. Box 1145 07 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Wetherells. Under Acacia spp. On… 1009809 Justicia sessilis Jacq.
Lepidagathis alopecuroidea (Vahl) R.Br. ex Griseb. H. E. Box 983 22 Aug 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Near Body Ponds, Antigua. Creeping… 1009876 Lepidagathis alopecuroidea (Vahl) R.Br. ex Griseb.
Odontonema nitidum (Jacq.) Kuntze H. E. Box 759 01 May 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Sugarloaf Mountain. Low undershrub… 1004407 Odontonema nitidum (Jacq.) Kuntze
Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Roem. & Schult. H. E. Box 1075 15 Sep 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Elms. In deep mud by… 1295199 Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Roem. & Schult.
Fimbristylis cymosa R.Br. H. E. Box 538 27 Dec 1936 Antigua and Barbuda Ballast Bay. With Fimbristylis ferruginea… 1296069 Fimbristylis cymosa R.Br.
Dioscorea pilosiuscula Bertero ex Spreng. H. E. Box 1394 26 Feb 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Body Ponds. Among shrubs in… 01287383 Dioscorea pilosiuscula Bertero ex Spreng.
Cyperaceae H. E. Box 1913 09 Nov 1938 Saint Lucia Near Deux Bottes (Canaries), B.W.I.… 1322025 Cyperaceae
Catesbaea parviflora Sw. H. E. Box 867 23 Jun 1937 Antigua and Barbuda St. Georges. A coastal shrub… 1322362 Catesbaea parviflora Sw.
Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. H. E. Box 1001 28 Aug 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Near Montpelier. Among shrubs in… 1322696 Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc.
Tibouchina strigosa (Rich.) Cogn. H. E. Box 1819 14 Nov 1938 Saint Lucia Morne Gimie, N. ridge. In… 1308529 Tibouchina strigosa (Rich.) Cogn.
Coffea arabica L. H. E. Box 1542 24 Sep 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Sugarloaf. A few plants growing… 1322966 Coffea arabica L.
Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete H. E. Box 1011 29 Aug 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Sugarloaf Mountain. Among grasses… 1323191 Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete
Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete H. E. Box 1121 02 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Tyrrells. Among coarse grasses and… 1323208 Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete
Erithalis fruticosa L. H. E. Box 722 18 Apr 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Near long bay. A low… 1323427 Erithalis fruticosa L.
Erithalis fruticosa L. H. E. Box 1418 01 May 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Soldier Point (Half-Moon Bay). Limestone… 1323428 Erithalis fruticosa L.