Displaying 176 - 200 out of 202 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. H. E. Box 1035 05 Sep 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Ravine S. of Monks… 1443516 Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq.
Sideroxylon obovatum Lam. H. E. Box 1401 27 Feb 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Upper Dark Valley. On exposed… 1443642 Sideroxylon obovatum Lam.
Sideroxylon obovatum Lam. H. E. Box 1511 25 Jul 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Wetherells. In an old estate… 1443643 Sideroxylon obovatum Lam.
Sideroxylon obovatum Lam. H. E. Box 847 13 Jun 1937 Antigua and Barbuda St. Philips. Occasional to frequent… 1443646 Sideroxylon obovatum Lam.
Sideroxylon salicifolium (L.) Lam. H. E. Box 754 25 Apr 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Santa Maria Hill. Xerophytic… 1443903 Sideroxylon salicifolium (L.) Lam.
Spermacoce H. E. Box 1190 21 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. St. Georges. 1332096 Spermacoce
Spermacoce ocymifolia Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. H. E. Box 1183 10 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Christian Valley. A weed in… 1331285 Spermacoce ocymifolia Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.
Spermacoce prostrata Aubl. H. E. Box 1204 23 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Tyrrells. A weed in peasants'… 1331381 Spermacoce prostrata Aubl.
Spermacoce tenuior L. H. E. Box 1131 03 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Liberta. Shady places among mangoes,… 1331641 Spermacoce tenuior L.
Spermacoce tenuior L. H. E. Box 840 10 Jun 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Vernons. A canefield weed. 1331788 Spermacoce tenuior L.
Spermacoce verticillata L. H. E. Box 554 14 Feb 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Pelican Bay (Five Islands). In… 1332042 Spermacoce verticillata L.
Spermacoce verticillata L. H. E. Box 1190 21 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda St. Georges, Antigua. 1332043 Spermacoce verticillata L.
Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl H. E. Box 915 24 Jul 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Near Fig Tree Hill, Antigua.… 1367033 Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl
Strumpfia maritima Jacq. H. E. Box 1419 01 May 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Soldier Point (Half-Moon Bay). Limestone… 1332223 Strumpfia maritima Jacq.
Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. H. E. Box 1498 09 Jul 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua, English Harbour. In woodlands… 1340005 Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.
Tamonea boxiana (Moldenke) R.A.Howard H. E. Box 1091 21 Sep 1937 Antigua and Barbuda St. Georges, Antigua. Among grasses… 01367236 Tamonea boxiana (Moldenke) R.A.Howard
Thunbergia fragrans Roxb. H. E. Box 1108 26 Sep 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Blubber Valley. Mesaphytic wooded parts… 1333130 Thunbergia fragrans Roxb.
Tibouchina strigosa (Rich.) Cogn. H. E. Box 1819 14 Nov 1938 Saint Lucia Morne Gimie, N. ridge. In… 1308529 Tibouchina strigosa (Rich.) Cogn.
Tillandsia usneoides (L.) L. H. E. Box 1237 31 Oct 1937 Antigua and Barbuda W. Slopes of Flat-top Hill… 1503543 Tillandsia usneoides (L.) L.
Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse H. E. Box 1407 05 Mar 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Mt. Pleasant. Under trees and… 1504187 Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse
Tragus berteronianus Schult. H. E. Box 589 Apr 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Blackmans 1658936 Tragus berteronianus Schult.
Trema micrantha (L.) Blume H. E. Box 1476 29 May 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Wallings. Near stream in wooded… 1507128 Trema micrantha (L.) Blume
Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H.Walter H. E. Box 740 24 Apr 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Near Willocks Village. Antigua. A… 1510439 Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H.Walter
Utricularia gibba L. H. E. Box 566 Apr 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Near All Saints Village. Vegetative… 1446046 Utricularia gibba L.
Vitex divaricata Sw. H. E. Box 1006 29 Aug 1937 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua. Sugarloaf Mountain. Mesaphytic forest… 1367406 Vitex divaricata Sw.