Displaying 26 - 50 out of 77 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ficus capensis Thunb. G. C. C. Gilbert 1783 Aug 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo Molenge 04738140 Ficus capensis Thunb.
Maesobotrya floribunda Benth. G. C. C. Gilbert 1786 Aug 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo Malenge 04079375 Maesobotrya floribunda Benth.
Helictonema velutinum (Afzel.) R.Wilczek G. C. C. Gilbert 1788 Aug 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo Equateur Libenge Ofaleux de llu… 04829829 Helictonema velutinum (Afzel.) R.Wilczek
Antidesma leptocladum Müll.Arg. G. C. C. Gilbert 1834 Aug 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo rives inondèes de la Lua 03930580 Antidesma leptocladum Müll.Arg.
Ouratea arnoldiana De Wild. & T.Durand G. C. C. Gilbert 1836 Aug 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo Bongabo (Yangambi 4961113 Ouratea arnoldiana De Wild. & T.Durand
Rinorea welwitschii Kuntze G. C. C. Gilbert 1872 Oct 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo Bangobo 4962173 Rinorea welwitschii Kuntze
Morinda longiflora G.Don G. C. C. Gilbert 2031 Jan 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Orientale Isangi Yaluli 5022730 Morinda longiflora G.Don
Allophylus macrobotrys Gilg G. C. C. Gilbert 2052 Feb 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi, Km. 5 04830494 Allophylus macrobotrys Gilg
Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms G. C. C. Gilbert 2088 s.d. Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi, réserve forestière de l'INEAC 4800116 Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms
Celtis prantlii Priemer ex Engl. G. C. C. Gilbert 2092 Feb 1939 Democratic Republic of the Congo Orientale Mangbetu Paulis 4751035 Celtis prantlii Priemer ex Engl.
Manotes pruinosa Gilg G. C. C. Gilbert 2143 02 Mar 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo route de Bengamisa 04792612 Manotes pruinosa Gilg
Dichapetalum acuminatum De Wild. G. C. C. Gilbert 2154 Mar 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Orientale Banalia route Bengamisa 4828450 Dichapetalum acuminatum De Wild.
Rinorea oblongifolia (C.H.Wright) Marquand ex Chipp G. C. C. Gilbert 2176 Mar 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Route Bengamisa, Km 20 4962137 Rinorea oblongifolia (C.H.Wright) Marquand ex Chipp
Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl. G. C. C. Gilbert 2177 1949 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi, réserve forestière de l'INEAC 4828743 Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl.
Tabernaemontana penduliflora K.Schum. G. C. C. Gilbert 2180 Mar 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Route Bengamisa km 20, Zaire 4189444 Tabernaemontana penduliflora K.Schum.
Motandra guineensis (Thonn.) A.DC. G. C. C. Gilbert 2183 Mar 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Bengamisa route, Km 20, Zaire 4197126 Motandra guineensis (Thonn.) A.DC.
Cyperus papyrus L. G. C. C. Gilbert 2214 Mar 1939 Democratic Republic of the Congo Rivière KURUKWATA UELE 4719050 Cyperus papyrus L.
Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret G. C. C. Gilbert 2303 12 May 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo route Bengamisa, Km. 34 04953821 Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret
Klainedoxa gabonensis Pierre ex Engl. G. C. C. Gilbert 2315 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi, route Bengamisa 4822756 Klainedoxa gabonensis Pierre ex Engl.
Scaphopetalum thonneri De Wild. & T.Durand G. C. C. Gilbert 2319 24 May 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi 4960273 Scaphopetalum thonneri De Wild. & T.Durand
Dichapetalum madagascariense var. madagascariense G. C. C. Gilbert 2323 24 May 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Orientale Isangi route Bengamisa. Yangambi 4828503 Dichapetalum madagascariense var. madagascariense
Dialium corbisieri Staner G. C. C. Gilbert 2380 Jul 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi 03946922 Dialium corbisieri Staner
Tabernaemontana crassa Benth. G. C. C. Gilbert 2420 s.d. Democratic Republic of the Congo sur l'arbre en observation, à… 4189403 Tabernaemontana crassa Benth.
Combretum gossweileri Exell G. C. C. Gilbert 6111 s.d. Democratic Republic of the Congo Katanga Mitwaba Kibara, route de… 04964261 Combretum gossweileri Exell
Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl. G. C. C. Gilbert 7528 s.d. Democratic Republic of the Congo récolté sur l'arbre en observation,… 4828744 Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl.