Displaying 51 - 75 out of 115 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze A. N. Stewart 1193 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. Wreck Bay 786655
Eragrostis bahiensis Schrad. ex Schult. A. N. Stewart 1262 Ecuador Galápagos Abingdon Island. 630379
Paspalidium geminatum (Forssk.) Stapf A. N. Stewart 1290 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. Wreck Bay 662234
Blutaparon rigidum (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Mears A. N. Stewart 1348 28 Jul 1905 - 28 Jul 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Galapagos Islands. James Island. Northeast… 3909158 Blutaparon rigidum (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Mears
Pilotrichum obtusatum R.S.Williams A. N. Stewart 1375 1905 - 1906 Costa Rica Cocos Island type 1272550 Pilotrichum obtusatum R.S.Williams
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt. A. N. Stewart 1400 1905 - 1906 Cocos Island. 2121812 Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt.
Philonotis uncinata (Schwägr.) Brid. A. N. Stewart 1407 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Cocos Island. 2085112 Philonotis uncinata (Schwägr.) Brid.
Lepidopilum crassisetum R.S.Williams A. N. Stewart 1413 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galapagos Islands, Cocos Island holotype 966092 Lepidopilum crassisetum R.S.Williams
Sematophyllum galipense (Müll.Hal.) Mitt. A. N. Stewart 1430 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galapagos Island, Cocos Island 01289296 Sematophyllum galipense (Müll.Hal.) Mitt.
Callicostella depressa (Hedw.) A.Jaeger A. N. Stewart 1432 Sep 1905 Costa Rica Cocos Island. 2123281 Callicostella depressa (Hedw.) A.Jaeger
Callicostella depressa (Hedw.) A.Jaeger A. N. Stewart 1432 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Cocos Island. 2123274 Callicostella depressa (Hedw.) A.Jaeger
Groutiella mucronifolia (Hook. & Grev.) H.A.Crum & Steere A. N. Stewart 1680 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galápagos The Galapagos Islands. 2085543 Groutiella mucronifolia (Hook. & Grev.) H.A.Crum & Steere
Linum harlingii Eliasson A. N. Stewart 1720 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island. Tagus Cove. authentic 388370 Linum harlingii Eliasson
Dodonaea eriocarpa var. vaccinioides Sherff A. N. Stewart 1942 29 Aug 1905 or 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island isotype 337833 Dodonaea eriocarpa var. vaccinioides Sherff
Dodonaea eriocarpa f. galapagensis Sherff A. N. Stewart 1945 27 Mar 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island isotype 337832 Dodonaea eriocarpa f. galapagensis Sherff
Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq. A. N. Stewart 2001 Jul 1905-01 Jul 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. On north hill-side;… 386881 Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq.
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke A. N. Stewart 2005 Feb 1928 Ecuador Galápagos Charles Island. 386949
Brachycereus nesioticus (K.Schum. ex B.L.Rob.) Backeb. A. N. Stewart 2093 Sep 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Narborough Island, NE side. 03858503 Brachycereus nesioticus (K.Schum. ex B.L.Rob.) Backeb.
Sphagnum perichaetiale Hampe A. N. Stewart 2324 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. 1834067 Sphagnum perichaetiale Hampe
Daltonia stewartii R.S.Williams A. N. Stewart 2782 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. See location note. microslide of type 02103392 Daltonia stewartii R.S.Williams
Daltonia stewartii R.S.Williams A. N. Stewart 2782 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. See location note. type 882636 Daltonia stewartii R.S.Williams
Campylopus pilifer Brid. A. N. Stewart 2822 1905 - 1906 Ecuador The Galapagos Islands, Albemarl Island. 1916298 Campylopus pilifer Brid.
Ipomoea incarnata (Vahl) Choisy A. N. Stewart 3119 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Abingdon Island 494054
Alternanthera nesiotes I.M.Johnst. A. N. Stewart 3154 24 May 1905/1906 Ecuador Galápagos Charles Island. Connorant Bay isotype 324439 Alternanthera nesiotes I.M.Johnst.
Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Mont. A. N. Stewart 3164 1905 - 1906 Ecuador The Galapagos Islands, Duncan Island. 2045774 Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Mont.