Displaying 1 - 50 out of 115 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Acanthospermum leptolobum S.F.Blake A. N. Stewart 700 10 Feb 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island: Sappho Cove isotype 149840 Acanthospermum leptolobum S.F.Blake
Setaria grisebachii E.Fourn. A. N. Stewart 1099 21 Feb 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. Wreck Bay. 658998
Setaria grisebachii E.Fourn. A. N. Stewart 1092 05 Mar 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island. Villamil. On the… 658994
Solanum erianthum D.Don A. N. Stewart 3414 05 Mar 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island. Villamil 00723510 Solanum erianthum D.Don
Setaria grisebachii E.Fourn. A. N. Stewart 1091 14 Mar 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island. Iguana Cove. 658999
Setaria grisebachii E.Fourn. A. N. Stewart 1090 24 Mar 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island. Tagus Cove, around… 658995
Alternanthera nesiotes I.M.Johnst. A. N. Stewart 3154 24 May 1905/1906 Ecuador Galápagos Charles Island. Connorant Bay isotype 324439 Alternanthera nesiotes I.M.Johnst.
Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq. A. N. Stewart 2001 Jul 1905-01 Jul 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. On north hill-side;… 386881 Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq.
Ctenitis A. N. Stewart 914 July 6, 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Chatham Island. Wreck Bay 4066848 Ctenitis
Scalesia stewartii L.Riley A. N. Stewart 667 28 Jul 1905 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. Northeast side isotype 232402 Scalesia stewartii L.Riley
Blutaparon rigidum (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Mears A. N. Stewart 1348 28 Jul 1905 - 28 Jul 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Galapagos Islands. James Island. Northeast… 3909158 Blutaparon rigidum (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Mears
Solanum galapagense S.C.Darwin & Peralta A. N. Stewart 3318 6 Aug. 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. James Bay. 00853046 Solanum galapagense S.C.Darwin & Peralta
Hyptis gymnocaulos Epling A. N. Stewart 3326 10 Aug 1905 Ecuador Cowley Bay, Albemarle Island, Galapagos… isotype 00000646 Hyptis gymnocaulos Epling
Verbena galapagosensis Moldenke A. N. Stewart 3318 10 Aug 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Cowley Bay; Albemarle Island holotype 138265 Verbena galapagosensis Moldenke
Verbena glabrata var. tenuispicata Moldenke A. N. Stewart 3317 23 Aug 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Villamil; Albemarle holotype 138266 Verbena glabrata var. tenuispicata Moldenke
Solanum americanum Mill. A. N. Stewart 3409 23 Aug 1905 - 23 Aug 1906 Ecuador Albemarle Island. Villamil. 726947 Solanum americanum Mill.
Ctenitis sloanei (Spreng.) C.V.Morton A. N. Stewart 965 Aug 23, 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island, Villamil. [Modern Puerto… 4066770 Ctenitis sloanei (Spreng.) C.V.Morton
Brachistus pubescens A.Stewart A. N. Stewart 3351 24 Aug 1905/1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island; Villamit possible type 138559 Brachistus pubescens A.Stewart
Ctenitis equestris (Kunze) Ching var. equestris A. N. Stewart 959 24 Aug 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island, Villamil. [Modern Puerto… 3230801 Ctenitis equestris (Kunze) Ching var. equestris
Dodonaea eriocarpa var. vaccinioides Sherff A. N. Stewart 1942 29 Aug 1905 or 1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island isotype 337833 Dodonaea eriocarpa var. vaccinioides Sherff
Scalesia cordata A.Stewart A. N. Stewart 669 29 Aug 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island. Villamil syntype 232400 Scalesia cordata A.Stewart
Brachycereus nesioticus (K.Schum. ex B.L.Rob.) Backeb. A. N. Stewart 2093 Sep 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Narborough Island, NE side. 03858503 Brachycereus nesioticus (K.Schum. ex B.L.Rob.) Backeb.
Callicostella depressa (Hedw.) A.Jaeger A. N. Stewart 1432 Sep 1905 Costa Rica Cocos Island. 2123281 Callicostella depressa (Hedw.) A.Jaeger
Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott A. N. Stewart 921 Sept. 4, 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island, Villamil. [Modern Puerto… 4164518 Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott
Solanum americanum Mill. A. N. Stewart 3406 19 Sep 1905 - 19 Sep 1906 Ecuador Abingdon Island. 726946 Solanum americanum Mill.
Acanthospermum brachyceratum S.F.Blake A. N. Stewart 701 28 Sep 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Gardner Island isotype 149839 Acanthospermum brachyceratum S.F.Blake
Ionopsis satyrioides (Sw.) Rchb.f. A. N. Stewart 1145 02 Oct 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Indefatigable Island, Southeast side 4097725 Ionopsis satyrioides (Sw.) Rchb.f.
Bacidia A. N. Stewart 1032-33 11 Oct 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Charles Island 4669151 Bacidia
Asplenium auritum Sw. A. N. Stewart 816 09 Nov 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Indefatigable Island. Academy Bay. 4041508 Asplenium auritum Sw.
Asplenium carolinum Maxon A. N. Stewart 841 09 Nov 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Indefatigable Island. Academy Bay. 04041708 Asplenium carolinum Maxon
Blechnum occidentale L. A. N. Stewart 867 02 Dec 1905 Ecuador The Galapagos Islands. Duncan Island. 4168545 Blechnum occidentale L.
Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrad.) Underw. A. N. Stewart 887 02 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Duncan Island. 3879877 Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrad.) Underw.
Pityrogramma tartarea (Cav.) Maxon A. N. Stewart 890 02 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Duncan Island. 3904335 Pityrogramma tartarea (Cav.) Maxon
Asplenium serra Langsd. & Fisch. A. N. Stewart 859 05 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos Duncan Island. 4045396 Asplenium serra Langsd. & Fisch.
Scalesia atractyloides Arn. var. atractyloides A. N. Stewart 670 26 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. James Bay. 1287844 Scalesia atractyloides Arn. var. atractyloides
Scalesia atractyloides Arn. var. atractyloides A. N. Stewart 666 29 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. James Bay. 1287845 Scalesia atractyloides Arn. var. atractyloides
Asplenium carolinum Maxon A. N. Stewart 839 29 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. James Bay. 04041709 Asplenium carolinum Maxon
Nephrolepis pendula (Raddi) J.Sm. A. N. Stewart 923 29 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. James Bay 4166336 Nephrolepis pendula (Raddi) J.Sm.
Ctenitis ampla (Willd.) Ching A. N. Stewart 962 29 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. James Bay 3230836 Ctenitis ampla (Willd.) Ching
Asplenium auritum Sw. A. N. Stewart 812 30 Dec 1905 Ecuador Galápagos James Island. James Bay. 4041505 Asplenium auritum Sw.
Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr. A. N. Stewart 323 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Cocos Island 486550
Lepidopilum crassisetum R.S.Williams A. N. Stewart 1413 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galapagos Islands, Cocos Island holotype 966092 Lepidopilum crassisetum R.S.Williams
Hookeriopsis cocoensis R.S.Williams A. N. Stewart 1432a 1905 - 1906 Costa Rica Cocos Island type 1258134 Hookeriopsis cocoensis R.S.Williams
Sematophyllum galipense (Müll.Hal.) Mitt. A. N. Stewart 1430 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galapagos Island, Cocos Island 01289296 Sematophyllum galipense (Müll.Hal.) Mitt.
Daltonia longifolia Taylor A. N. Stewart 6046a 1905 - 1906 Ecuador James Island, Galapagos Islands. 02032514
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt. A. N. Stewart 1400 1905 - 1906 Cocos Island. 2121812 Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt.
Cyclodictyon albicans (Hedw.) Kuntze A. N. Stewart 982 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Galapagos Islands: Charles Island 2124168 Cyclodictyon albicans (Hedw.) Kuntze
Brachycereus nesioticus (K.Schum. ex B.L.Rob.) Backeb. A. N. Stewart 1905 - 1906 Ecuador Northeast side. Common on recent… 03858502 Brachycereus nesioticus (K.Schum. ex B.L.Rob.) Backeb.
Ipomoea incarnata (Vahl) Choisy A. N. Stewart 3119 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Abingdon Island 494054
Linum harlingii Eliasson A. N. Stewart 1720 1905-1906 Ecuador Galápagos Albemarle Island. Tagus Cove. authentic 388370 Linum harlingii Eliasson